Hope's really the reason though. Jay had been calling her mom long before she started calling me mama. Jules and her had been close since the start, with Julie being part of the back line and all. They were just always together and since they were together I was always around too because Hope and I are best friends. Julie felt comfortable around Hope and with Julie being as young as she was, and well still is, she needed someone to watch out for her. Now Hope is not by any means a "softy", but for some reason she truly cared about Julie and wasn't afraid to show it. Don't get me wrong, Hope is a very caring person, she really is, but she's like a freaking wall. She always hides all her feelings and cares from a far. Not with JJ. I've never seen her act towards anyone like she does Julie. She takes care of her when she's sick, she packs her stuff for her so she won't forget anything, she cuddles with her, she gives her advice and listens, she pays for her to go do stuff with her friends, she goes out of her way to make sure she is happy, healthy, and safe.

Hope loves her. I love her too, but I'm just really bad at showing it. Tonight after dinner I'll kick Hope out and have a JB and Mama night. We'll go get frozen yogurt and maybe see a movie. I'm not sure yet but we'll do something.

"Hey Carlos!" smiles Alex sitting down next to me. "Any news on JJ?"

"Nope not yet." I sigh shaking my head.  "She's working too hard to get a concussion now."


"LEX!" screams Tobin running in.

"What-Woah! Tobs!" yells Alex as Tobin flips her chair around to hide behind it. "What are you doing?!?"

"Shh!" shushes Tobin from her crouched position. 


"Hush Alex!"

"Where is she?!" yells Ashlyn. I gaze down at Tobin and raise an eyebrow. She folds her hands like she's praying and begs me to be quiet.

"Hey Ash?" I call smirking. "Heath's on the floor." Ashlyn smiles while walking over.

"Thank you, Carli." she says picking up Alex's chair and moving it to the side.

"Hey!" protest Alex. "I'm sitting here!"

"You're fine Baby Horse." says Ashlyn dismissively. "Let's go Toby." Ashlyn grabs the younger midfielder's arm and pulls her up.

"Don't call me that!" growls Tobin trying to get free. "Ash c'mon! That hurts!" Ashlyn ignores her and drags her out of the dining room. I look over at Alex.

"Care to explain?" I ask.

Her eyes go wide and she quickly shakes her head back and forth, "I really don't know! I swear Car-"

I can't help, but laugh, "Calm down Baby Horse. I'm just messing with you."  She sighs in relief and gives me a small smile. I hear the doors open again and look up to see Hope and Becky talking. "Uh oh."

"What?" ask Alex confused.

"Hope's here." I sigh taking a drink from my water.

"Oh." she smirks.

"What's that look for?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Oh nothing." she smiles cheekily.

"Mhm." I hum not believing her. We finally get called up to get food and she jumps up and rushes to the line in a childish way. Alex is about in the middle of the pack as far as age goes. She doesn't need as much looking after as the youngest, Moe, Dunn and JJ do, but it's always good to check up on her and give her some attention. As I get up to the start of the serving line I find myself instinctively grabbing two plates.

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