CHPT 1; The Ex Substitute

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Renee's POV;

"Hello Jimmy", I smiled picking up the small blonde haired child.

"Mawing Wist. Walker", he pronounced.

"Hey!" I smiled, "someones been practicing speaking". I gave his stomach a little tickle.

He giggled swatting my hands away, "Lex ben teachin meh".

"Is that so"? I said glancing over at Lexi who was drinking her coffee.

"Yep, and I take all the credit", she cheesed.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "How about you go and play with the other kids", I said sitting Jimmy to the floor.

"Okay"! He exclaimed running towards the group of kids.

"He's really improving", I said leaning against Lexi's desk.

"Yep. Hey have you called Trina yet? She was suppose to here with our stuff by now".

"Yeah, but she didn't answer", I said undoing the buttons to my overcoat.

She sighed mumbling something before saying, "that girl is pushing my last nerv--".

"I'm here! I'm here"!

I glanced up seeing Trina rushing over towards us with a small blue tote and two white boxes.

"Where have you been"? Lexi questioned standing from her chair.

"I know, I know. I got stuck in traffic. There was this horrible accident", she quickly explained sitting the white boxes labeled Krispy Kreme down onto the desk.

"Yay! donuts", I exclaimed taking off my coat.

"That's your third time getting stuck in a so called accident", Lexi said folding her arms.

Trina only prolonged the situation the more excuses she made. Lexi was already trying everything she could to get her out of here, and the more reasons she gave her, the more likely it became she was gunna lose her job.

I personally liked Trina, she was a nice girl and was trying her hardest to impress Lexi. But, Lexi expected a lot from people, hell I'm her best friend and she was just as hard on me when I first came here.

"So why didn't you answer your phone? Or call at least to say you were gunna be later"? She questioned.

"Hey Trina", I said opening up the box of donuts.

Her and Lexi dispute ceased "Yes"?

"How about you pass out the donuts to everyone", I said grabbing a glaze for me and shutting the box.

"Oh, okay", she said picking up the boxes.

"We'll talk about this later", Lexi said opening up the tote. Trina nodded walking off.

"That wasn't nice".

"Oh Renee hush. If the girl listened to me maybe I wouldn't have to be so mean", she shrugged.

"How you know there wasn't an accident"? I said raising a brow.

She side eyed me. "What?? Not all people can drive".

"Don't take up for her because that girls been lying to me".

"There you go jumping to conclusions", I said taking a bite of my donut.

"Well me jumping to conclusions done helped your ass out haven't it?"

"Well...", she was right, her peep game was always accurate, most of the time. "..I just think your being a little to hard on her. She's a college student living on her own, she's still learning Lexi. Besides she's a hard worker and she's good with the kids".

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