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Pfftt Idek what chapter number this is 😂
-The Doctor's POV

I take Matthias and nod at Jack. "Hand me the map." Jack says, motioning to my pocket.


"The map Doctor, now." Jack says. I grunt and hand him it.

"I'm leading the way, I know this place better than you do, me and Mickey arrived a few days ago." He says. So I give in and let him lead. I protectively hold Matthias against me, who's fallen into a beautiful sleep. I smile down at him and follow behind Jack. I'm not used to being the one following.

"So, Doctor. This parenting thing a bit new to you, huh?" Says Jack.

"No. I've been a father before." I say.

"What?" Says Jack "I thought this was your first child?"

"No. Back on Gallifrey, we were loomed. The males genes and female genes were put together and grew in a pod, forming a baby. So when we reached 18 we were all partnered with someone and had to marry them lead the rest of our lives with them, as well as have at least 2 children to keep the generations going. Whether we liked it or not."

"So did you love her, your wife?" Jack asks curiously.

"Not at first. But I learned to, I had to. There was no choice."

"How many kids did you have?" Jack asks.

"Two, one girl and one boy. They grew up quickly, and I even saw my first grandchild. Susan, her name was. Susan." I recall sadly.

"What happened?"

"The time war. It destroyed the whole planet, all my family too. Gallifrey burned."

"I'm sorry." Jack says, looking apologetically at me.

"Don't be. It was so long ago." I swallow and look down at Matthias.

"So what made you fall in love with Rose? How did you learn to love again?"

"After the time war, I regenerated for the tenth time, but I call it the ninth because I like to forget the me that was born and died in battle, so the ninth regeneration, the one with the big ears and northern accent, was the me I met Rose in. I was still suffering from the after math of the time war, and she helped me. She was there for me and stopped me when I started to go to far," I say, recalling the incident with the Daleks "She made me better." I say. Jack smiles.

"So you made a baby together and lived happily ever after."

"No. The baby was never meant to happen. There were also complications, with a woman called Reinette-"

"Don't tell me you got her pregnant?!" Says Jack.

"No! Of course not! There was never anyone else but Rose. But you see, Reinette, she kissed me, and Rose thought I kissed her, and....oh, you get the picture. But look, Matthias was an accident, I thought I explained, the testing course, remember?"

"Yeah." Jack nods and looks back down at the map, I move to walk beside him. "But surely the baby would've happened anyway." He smirks. I feel myself blushing a deep scarlet.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh come on!" Jack gives a laugh "I knew it would happen from the moment I met you both back during the air rades of world war 2. When you both danced together that night, in the Tardis, I just knew. That one day you'd get her in the bag-"

"Stop it!" I say in my usual tone.

"I'm just saying." Jack holds his arms up in defence and carries on walking "Oh, here we are." He says, walking toward the familiar door of the infirmary and gently pushes it open. I take a deep breath and follow him in. Lucy is sat in the corner of the room talking to Mickey, and Rose lies on the bed, still wired up to the support machines. Everyone looks up as we enter the room, but my eyes are fixed on Rose. She looks up immediately.

"Oh my god, Doctor. You've got him." She sits bolt up right in bed and I walk quickly towards her and take the seat next to the bed. "Is he alright? What did he do to him, Doctor?" Rose hastily checks over Matthias.

"He's fine. He's perfect." I say, looking down at Matthias.

"Oh my god. Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Rose frantically starts looking over me and Matthias in panic.

"Rose," I take hold of her hands and place them between us "I'm fine, and so is Matthias."

"Let me hold him." She says, and I gently pass him over to her. Tears form in her eyes "He's so beautiful." .

"I know." I say.  Rose leans down and presses a kiss onto Matthias's forehead, making him open his beautiful eyes, the colour of deep hazel. Rose looks up at me then, and I see deep inside her. Her eyes flowing with tears of love, joy, and happiness. And I realise what this must mean to her. She's never held her baby properly before. Her first baby was never even alive, and her second got snatched away from her. And now she's here, and her son is safe in her arms. Suddenly my eyes begin to tear up "Oh I promised myself I wasn't going to cry." I say, trying to hold back the tears. Rose just laughs.

"Shut up, you." She leans into me, still clutching Matthias, and kisses me firmly on the lips. She smiles against me, her tears soaking my face.

"Nowhere without you." She whispers.


I press my lips to hers once more and whisper back "Nowhere without you." Suddenly I become very aware of the other people in the room. We part and find 3 sets of eyes placed firmly upon us, and three smiling sets of teeth. Everyone cheers and we all laugh. Never have I been happier.

The Slow Path - (#1 TenRose Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora