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Hello you wonderful people! So I think it's pretty evident that I don't have any idea for this story so what better thing to do than to do another contest?

Okay, here is how this one will play out.
You have to be a follower of my account, and know the basic story line of this story. If you think you qualify, fill in the information below! :D

Character's name-
Annoying things about them-
Skin color-
Hair color-
Body shape(skinny, anorexic, obese, chubby, etc..)-
Introduction to story-
Good or bad guy- (anyone wanna be apart of Stacy and kayelynne's psycho schemes?)
Reason for why you want to be apart of this story-

Thank you guys for all your support!
Winners will be posted on 1/7/2016


Living Fearless (Third book in the Adopted By Sleeping With Sirens)Where stories live. Discover now