Chapter 41: In Which I Become Someone Else

Start from the beginning

I'd just posted the entry on the blog when a comment appeared. And my heart almost stopped.

cheddarbob: Do you have any idea how many zoolio blogs I had to sludge through before I found you? TWO HUNDRED AND TWENTY-FOUR, that's how many. It took HOURS. I hope I never see another "totally rad" site again.

madame_irene: Craig! *wipes away a happy tear*

cheddarbob: We need to talk. Why don't you answer your phone?

madame_irene: No signal  :(  

I didn't get a chance to say much more than that. Earlier, in an epic moment of weakness, I'd promised to go on an all day garden tour with my mother. I considered trying to get out of it. But when I turned away from the computer, there she stood on the other side of the room, with that sweet, proud, mother-ish expression on her face. I vowed to be back online by dinner time, then said good-bye to Craig. In between gazing at flowers, I spent the rest of the day worrying.

5:52 PM I'm having one of those yin yang moments, zoolioligans. It could go either way. I Love my friend, Craig. I want to talk to him more than anyone ever wanted to talk to anyone else. But what if he just wants to remind me how much he Hates me? 

cheddarbob: What? Hate my favorite BOOGER GIRL? Never.

madame_irene: I miss you so much and ... I'm sorry ... for every stupid thing I ever did or said that might have hurt your feelings.

cheddarbob: Could we not talk about that? It's embarrassing.

madame_irene: Don't be embarrassed. You were very, very sweet and I was a female dog.

cheddarbob: I wish we could pretend it never happened.

madame_irene: Pretend WHAT never happened?

cheddarbob: Thanks.

madame_irene: No problem. How is everyone? Do they all still execrate me? Has anyone in the history of the world ever made a bigger mess of things than me?

cheddarbob: I think you own the record for messiness. You've still got me though. And I think the others will come around eventually ... except ...

madame_irene: Except who?

madame_irene: Except what?

madame_irene: cheddarbob, are you still there?

cheddarbob: I don't know how to tell you this.

madame_irene: It's me, remember? Booger Girl. We can talk about anything.

cheddarbob: Except maybe this. Hey, did you know Kiersten finally got her braces off?

madame_irene: Quit stalling.

cheddarbob: Here goes ... Madison and Dave are dating.

madame_irene: oh.

cheddarbob: Shit, Summer, I knew I shouldn't have told you.

madame_irene: No, c-bob, thanks. Better to hear it from you than run into them in the middle of a lip lock somewhere. Ow though. Could we maybe never talk about THIS again?

cheddarbob: Talk about what?

madame_irene: *sniffle*

cheddarbob: Are you going to be OK?

madame_irene: I, um, I need to go. I'm meeting some people for go-carts.

cheddarbob: Some People or Some Guy?

madame_irene: Some ... I dunno ... does it really matter?

cheddarbob: Only if it matters to you. Be careful, k?

I promised to avoid any dangerous traps that might involve my heart, but I also couldn't help wondering ...

Did it matter to me? Did it matter if it mattered? 


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