God, loveseat. He could feel his face heating up at the word and the realization that was him and Scott's spots now.

Scott glanced at him for another second before huffing, "Movie time?" He asked.

Liam nodded and walked over to the loveseat, sitting down on the far left facing the TV. He looked up to Scott nicking the remote from Stiles hands and saying, "We're not watching a horror movie!"

Lydia piped up, "Isn't our life already enough of a horror movie, Stiles?" Stiles glared over at her and crossed his arms, "Fine, god." He muttered.

Liam smirked some, still holding a little grudge about Stiles being rude to him.

Scott walked over with the remote and plopped down next to Liam. He looked over at the beta and asked, "There anything you wanna watch, Liam?"

Liam froze but spoke after a moment, "I don't know what there is."

Scott 'Hmm'd and said, "Well, we've got Netflix, so there's a lot."

Liam spoke before he could think when he mentioned Netflix, "Oh. I watched The Breakfast Club on there."

Lydia looked up at him from her nails, "Netflix has The Breakfast Club? Scott, we're watching The Breakfast Club."

Other people chimed in, everyone agreeing on the classic as their movie night film. Liam settled into the couch more as the movie began playing and tried not to be hyper aware of Scott's body next to his.

He managed to ignore the feeling of closeness for a while until Scott moved his arm to lay across the back of the couch, touching Liam's shoulders. Liam looked up at Scott, eyebrows raised. Scott shrugged a little and curled his hand on top of Liam's shoulder.

Liam felt frozen and his heart rate was probably going through the roof.

Wait, shit. Can't werewolves hear each other's heartbeats? He could hear Scott's. Scott's was racing fast too. He smiled and tried to calm down, but became aware of Malia and Derek turning towards them, probably hearing their heartbeats too. Malia was smirking and Derek just had one eyebrow raised before he looked back toward the movie and Malia followed suit, still smirking.

Liam calmed his heart down and he thinks Scott did too and they finished the movie, Liam smiling to himself. He really did love The Breakfast Club, it was a neat movie.

And he got to watch it with Scott's arm around him, too. And as he noticed, they'd slowly scooted closer together during the film. They were now touching sides and Liam had his head leaning back on Scott's shoulder. How'd that happen?

Lydia hummed from her seat happily, examining her nails again, "That was fun." She said, "Is there any popcorn left?"

Liam looked at his red plastic cup of it and raised it up for Lydia to see, "Yeah, want me to bring it to you?"

Lydia looked at Scott's arm around him and their position. Lydia shook her head, smiling, "No, I'll just come get it myself. Don't wanna... interrupt anything."

Liam looked at the arm around him and back at Lydia blushing, holding out the cup of popcorn for her to take. She pulled it from his grasp and winked down at him, making him blush harder.

Stiles perked up at Lydia's words, looking over, "Interrupt what...? Oh. That." He said this around a smirk, sending a wink Liam's way. Why is everyone winking at him tonight?

Scott piped up, "Come on, guys." He retracted his arm from around Liam's shoulders and placed it into his own lap with the other. Liam looked at him with hurt for a second before replacing the expression with a more neutral one by the time Scott looked over.

Scott pursed his lips at him, staring into his eyes, obviously seeing something. Inwardly, Liam started to panic. 'Does he know I like him?' He thought to himself. They kept eye contact, Liam couldn't seem to look away, and he flicked his eyes down to Scott's lips and back to his eyes when suddenly...


Malia pressed them together, a hand at the back of each of their heads. Their lips brushed before Scott pulled away against the force of Malia's hand and Liam pushed back too, swatting her hand away.

"Malia!" Scott exclaimed, his eyes tinted red in the irises. She backed up a little, hands up in 'what could I do' gesture. Stiles got up and walked up to Malia, "Okay, Malia, we don't press people's faces together to make them kiss... People are not dolls."

Liam was still looking at Scott dumbfounded at what just occurred. Scott turned away from Malia back to Liam, eyebrows upturned.

"I'm sorry, Liam, she..."

Scott didn't get to finish his sentence because Liam moved in quickly to capture his lips in another kiss, one that wasn't Malia-caused. Scott made a 'hrmph' type noise but quickly melted into the kiss, grasping Liam's face in his hands.

"See! They wanted to do it!" Malia exclaimed but Stiles just shook his head, exasperated.

Liam pulled away from the kiss to look up into Scott's deep brown eyes. He glanced down at his lips again and went in for a final little peck on the lips before pulling away completely.

Derek stood up from his spot, "Well, I think that's enough pack bonding for me tonight. Anyone else?"

Kira raised her hand, along with Lydia and Stiles. Malia kept hers down but Stiles quickly raised it for her.

They quickly filed out as Liam and Scott sat next to each other still, taking each other in.

"I've wanted to do that for a while." Liam piped up after a moment of gazing at each other. Scott smiled, looking down at the couch for a second before looking back up, "Me too."

"I think we should do it again." He stated, staring at the alpha's lips.

Scott nodded.

"Me too." He said before tilting Liam's chin up to press their lips into a perfect, smile-filled kiss.

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