I thought over my words for a moment. what happens to Justin and me when the tour is over? he'll probably spend time with his family and Canada, and Ill be with my mom. maybe she wouldnt mind a little vacation to Stratford...?

"so what are we waiting for?! lets head to mall!" I grinned, ignoring my thoughts.

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

The three of us practically skipped through the mall, stopping at nearly every store along the way. We also got our hair and nails done; knowing there was gonna be a party after the game.

I sucked loudly at the last bit of my smoothie and cringed at the sudden brain freeze, "oww" I whined, pressing my thumb to the roof of my mouth. "in a hurry?" LIly joked and I glanced at their half-full cups.

"uh, yeah. I kinda wanna get out of here," they both gave me funny looks and I motioned my head to the right, "three o'clock"

They looked a few tables down and 'ohhed'. "ahh, gotta face the ex." Paige smirked. I rolled my eyes, "not if we leave now! then I can avoid him for the next few weeks."

I tried to hide my face with my hand but realized it didnt work when I heard a familiar voice, "Brianna?" I squeezed my eyes shut and put on smile as I turned in my chair.

"Dylan...hey! how are you?" I hadnt seen him all summer, but he still pulled me into an awkward hug. same old Dylan. "Im good, how have you been?"

I shrugged and glanced at Lily and Paige, "great!" He placed his hands in his pockets and rocked back and forth on his heels, "can we talk for a second?" I nodded hesitantly and followed him to an empty table.

I know. why the heck did I just hug my ex? and agree to talk to him? Basically, our relationship wasnt all that serious. We had always been best friends and just decided to go out on a few dates. we hadnt even kissed, so its all cool. Dylan was pretty chill about everything.

"so, I know things have been pretty awkward since we broke up," he started, "but I really miss hanging out with you. I hope you feel the same way."

I shook my head, "yeah, I miss hanging with you too! ...I wish things could go back to the way they were before, actually."

a genuine smile spread across his face, "me too. you should come to my basketball game tonight!" I frowned guiltily. crap. "whats wrong? its alright if you cant make it" he told me.

"no I can come! its just that...my boyfriend already invited me." a strange look appeared in his eyes, "oh. its cool, Id like to meet him."

seriously? awks.

I nodded slowly, "you do know...who he is, right?" he cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips, "uhh, no? should I?"

"uh, nevermind. youll see him at the game!" I smiled and stood up from my seat, assuming the conversation was over. "okay cool," he stood up too, "see you tonight!" he flashed a smile and we both went back to our tables.

I got Lily and Paige caught up on everything that just went down. "and you didnt have the guts to tell him youre leaving for the rest of the summer and possibly some of the school year?" Paige asked with a raised eyebrow.

"totally chickened out." I sighed, twirling the straw around in my empty cup. "wow." they both said in unison. "and how do you think Justin will feel about this?" Paige asked.

"I have...no idea," I answered nervously, "I guess he'll be cool with it. I mean, Dylan was barely my boyfriend. We went on like three dates, and it was like we were still friends the whole time."

LIly and Paige exchanged glances then we all threw away our empty cups. After loaded our shopping bags into the trunk, we headed back to my house to change clothes.

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