"I've been so flushed for you... I want you to see how I feel.." he growled as he ran his hand down his body and grabbed his own thick member. You drooled a bit.

"Rufioh... please..." you whimpered. Sure you liked that image of him but you were beginning to get lonely. He smirked and pinned you again, holding your hands above your head. You gasp as he tore away your skirt and panties, leaving you almost entirely exposed to him.

"Doll this is going to hurt.... let me know if you want me to stop.." he murmured In your ear. You nodded and he began to fill you, his thick member stretching you out. He groaned as he tried to go deeper.

"Have you... ever done this before?" He asked as he groaned again. You shook your head in response. He grinned and his sharpish fangs pointed out.

"Good because I'll never share.you.." He growled as he pushed further, breaking your virgin wall and causing you to cry out. He frowned and kissed you softly.

After a while, you began to grow adjusted to his size. You nodded and he pushed in further, growling softly.

"Fuck your tight..." he moaned as his bulge twisted inside you searching for that spot to send you other the edge. He began to thrust, slowly but then built speed as your moans echoed in the dark. He leaned down a bit, so that your breath was in his ear and he shuddered, pressing even deeper into you. You moaned louder when he hit your g-spot.

"Heh you like that doll?" He asked in a husky voice. You arched you back as he hit it again.

"Of fuck yes!!" You cried out and he grabbed your breast again, roughly massaging it as he thruster faster.

"You like the feel of me don't you?" He asked as he took your bud into his mouth, washing it with his tongue. You moaned out louder, warmth burning your lower stomach.

"Oh fuck yes! Rufioh!" You meowed as he played with the other breast. As he thrusted harder, you stared at his horns, they were near you face and you wanted to return the feeling. You shifted and licked the tip of his massive horns. He moaned around you breast and bit it softly. You gasped and began to run his horns.

He thrusted rather harshly into you and slammed into you g-spot harder than before, sending you other the edge. You cummed around his bulge with a loud scream of pleasure.

Rufioh growled and kissed you again. You squirmed as his bulge moved inside you.

"Rufioh... are you going to pull out?" You asked as he smirked.

"Oh no doll.... we''re just getting started." He growled in your ear. You looked at him confused until he thrusted into you, hard. You arched you back and let out a rather loud moan. He pulled out and grinned, you had no idea what he was up to.

Slowly he began to fill you other hole. Causing you yo scream in pain. But e didn't care he slowly moved you onto your hands and knees on the couch.

-(a/n) poor couch-

You moaned and he began to slam into you again, rougher and more violent. He did this a few time before Brown liquid filled you. You gasped as he pulled out. Both of you panting.

"Doll.... I'm really flushed for you.. so please... be my matesprite.." he said in between gasped for breath. You merely nodded and giggled when you heard him mumble "bangarang"

He picked you up and carried you into you bedroom, set you down and curled up with you. Soon you feel asleep listening to his hushed whispers of 'I love you's and what not.

Next morning

"Hnng...." you groaned as you got up, the smell of pancakes filling your house. You removed the evil blankets only to find that you were nude. You were probably too lazy to change. Oh well nothing a shower won't fix! I think?

Grabbing a pair of close, you trotted to your shower and got in


You took the towel with you as you walked around you house, drying your hair, as you searched for the mysterious pancake smell. You stopped in the kitchen only to see rufioh cooking pancakes, humming a song.

"Rufioh?" You asked as you walked to the table. He turned and looked at you, turning away from the pancakes as he went over and kissed your forehead.

"Mornin my amazing matesprite." He whispered as you stared at him. You blushed remembering what happened last night.

"I smell pancakes, bitches make room for Angel!" I shouted as I came running into your home and sat next to you in a heart beat. You stared at me, so did rufioh, as I smiled widely. My smiled turne into a frown.

"I love that my otp came true but next time be more quiet.. I swear half the planet could hear you guys!" I said with a dorky grin, causing you both to blush.

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