chapter 2 The battle

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Come let's go Lucky Mastercheif SAID.Lucky replied almost there.As their ship was about to land a rocket came out of no where and hit the wing the ship started spinning out of control and crashed. Mastercheif said Lucky are you okay are you there.Lucky replied i'm good put there is a problem. Mastercheif replied what problem.he turns the corner and see's Lucky with a pipe in his side.Lucky replies am i going to die. Mastercheif replied no your not bro were getting out of this.So he called the base James we need back up now Lucky is badly wounded.James replied i don't care get your mission done now.All of a sudden they heard gun shots. they both look out side and saw three soldiers walking to the door. Mastercheif has the gun pointed at the door it opened the girl said no worries were back up and let me guess you work for commander James. Mastercheif replied yeah why.she replied we worked for him and he got mad when we messed up half of our mission so we quit we couldn't take it any more. Mastercheif said hands off my bro.i'm patching him up and by the way i'm Sara that's Jack,Brock got it let's get out of here. Mastercheif said why did we hear gun shots.dying enemies let's go more are coming she they got a move on when they got out side they were surrounded by enemies so Sara got lucky to there ship and said she'll be back she bring him to their base as she left the enemies started firing as Mastercheif,Jack,Brock fired at them not missing a shot hiting almost all of them. Mastercheif said let's go i got a mission to finish. They start walking with their guns held high ready to fire at will but no targets in sight.Then the ground started to shake and then saw the king get on to the mother ship then Mastercheif stared to run and then grabbed onto the ship and the ship wen't into hyper drive and it was gone with Mastercheif on it. Shit what now said Brock.Sara and her ship was back.Sara said where is Mastercheif and where is the king.Brock said long story but first let leave this planet.

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