Something New

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*DJ In The Pic*

Part 10

Michelle stood outside of the school waiting for DJ. Michelle would look around periodically just to be aware of her surroundings. That's something from the inside that she just couldn't shake, always watching her back.

Soon Michelle saw there were really no kids left and she wanted to figure out where her child was. She walked into the building and towards his class. She saw the teacher talking to two students and one being her son. She lifted her sunglasses as the teacher stood up.

"Ms. Williams, hi." The teacher said.

"Hi, what's going on?" She asked.

"It seems that your son and another student were daring each other to do different things." The teacher stepped to the side with Michelle. "They were daring each other to kiss girls."


"Yes and when they got caught your son used foul language." She said.

Michelle nodded her head.

"Okay, I'm so sorry but I promise you you will never deal with this again." She said.

The teacher nodded.

"David, let's go." Michelle said.

DJ got up slowly and grabbed his backpack. He looked at the teacher and apologized before he walked over to his mother. They walked out the building quietly. DJ grabbed the handle to the backseat because he didn't want to sit by his mom.

"Oh no sir, bring your behind up here. We need to talk."

DJ sighed and got in the front seat.

Michelle pulled off.

"How old are you?" Michelle asked.

"Nine." He said.

"Why are you going around kissing girls?" She asked.

"I was dared."

"You were dared to go around kissing a bunch of girls? What kind of dare is that and who told you you could cuss?" Michelle said glancing at him and popped him right in the mouth.

DJ didn't see that coming or expected it to hurt. His eyes started to water.

"You better not cry." Michelle said.

DJ sniffed and wiped his eyes.

"You better not ever cuss or go around kissing girls you hear me? I don't care who dared you understand?" She said.

"Yes." He said nodding.

They finally got home and DJ went to his room. Michelle laid down in her room to talk to David while he was at work.

"It's not funny." She said.

"I know but he's a boy. That's what they do." He said.

"I don't care. I don't want my son to do it." She said.

"Okay, okay." He said and they both got quiet.

"Baby, I'm bored." Michelle said.

"Then do something." He suggested.

"I mean I need to work." She said. "But no one will hire me."

"What you wanna do?"

"What I was doing but legal." She said and he laughed.

"How about you start a business." He said. "Do some hair nails shit, that's popping."

"I don't know the first thing about hair."

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