"You don't know if he's hungry," Gabe said to his boyfriend. "He was sleeping. You're not hungry if you're asleep."

"Well I didn't want him to wake up to a lonely, empty house."

"Stop talking about me and what I may or may not be," Ryan said miserably before the argument went any farther. "I'm not hungry; I'm in pain. From getting jumped on." He rolled onto his back again, rubbing his eyes awake. "Twice."

"You'll walk it off then," William said, perking up and suddenly straddling Ryan. "We're going to Nate and Alex's!" he bounced like an eager child, jostling Ryan around.

"Stop dry fucking him," Gabe said, reaching over and thankfully removing William. "You have five minutes to be up and dressed." he told Ryan, holding William close though the younger struggled to get free.

"What time is it?" Ryan asked, rubbing his face and moving his legs some to wake them.

"About 10:30." William grunted out, trying to pry Gabe's arms off him. "Will you let go of me?!"

"Nope." Gabe smirked, kissing William's neck. In response to that, William turned his head enough to sink his teeth into Gabe's arm, making the man let go instantly. "Ow! Don't bite, you little bitch." Gabe frowned.

William grinned and stuck his tongue out, just barely dodging Gabe's arms again. He scrambled to the edge and jumped from the mattress, Ryan bouncing about, Gabe quickly following. "Get back here!" Gabe said as William bolted from the room, laughing. "Now I know where that red-headed demon got it from!"

"Come on, old man," William teased voice distanced from wherever he stood in the house.

"Brat!" Gabe yelled. He looked back to Ryan with a warning glare and pointed a finger threateningly. "Five minutes," he said, pulling the door shut loudly then running after William. Ryan listened for a few minutes, hearing laughing, indistinct yelling, cursing, and a lot of things falling.

Shaking his head, Ryan sat up and stretched, moving the blanket from his body and swinging his legs over the edge; glad he didn't end up exposed either. Gabe and William were strange and crazy, but they seemed to have fun and that worked. Even if it meant both resorting to children from time to time.

Honestly, Ryan resented them.


Ryan couldn't decide if the sight was strange, embarrassing, or just plain funny. William was only a few inches shorter than Gabe, being mostly leg. Yet, he managed to convince Gabe to give him a piggy back ride all the way to the little diner. The trip wasn't long, but it was downhill and often on unpaved ground; unless they walked in the road. William smiled contently the entire time while Gabe looked ready to kill someone.

The restaurant was already pretty busy by the time they arrived, the outside tables packed. "There, princess," Gabe exhaled when they reached the door, stopping and dropping William's legs so that he stood on the ground. "My back's killing me now."

"But mine's not." William proudly replied, pulling the door open and holding it for Ryan but not Gabe. Only a few seats were open and Nate looked ready to fall over, working frantically behind the counter. Ryan followed William inside while Gabe disappeared somewhere outside. "Busy today, huh?" Bill asked, leaning on a free section of counter.

"You've no idea." Nate sighed, sounding exhausted. "Both Vicky and Ryland called in. Fuckin' middle of summer, biggest time for customers, and they're off fuckin' around." He threw an arm towards the door. "I get stuck with all the orders and clean up!"

"Need help?" William asked, though it was more than clear that Nate did. "We don't mind, right?" he looked at Ryan.

"I guess," Ryan mumbled, weakly shrugging. Nate gave a skeptical look, he could tell Ryan didn't want to help, and he didn't want to put him out. "Honestly." Ryan gave a tiny smile, feeling bad. "You look ready to collapse. If Alex looses you too, things will really get crazy." he tried to joke.

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