Ryan laid the note on the wooden surface of the dresser and grabbed his clothes, sliding them onto his body then stuffing the note in his pocket. Of course Ryan hated wearing the same clothes twice but, this was Brendon and it was totally worth it. Showering or taking Brendon's clothes made Ryan feel like an intruder so he decided against both suggestions; leaving the bedroom once dressed.

The sun was even brighter in the hall, streaming in through large windows on the far wall. Ryan moved towards the stairs and grabbed the railing, trying not to make too much noise as he headed towards the first floor; finding William sitting at the island in the kitchen with his laptop. He rubbed his eyes and slid towards the island, sliding onto the stool beside Will muttering, "Morning," tiredly.

"Good morning," Bill said in response, exiting out of what he was doing then pushing the screen of his laptop down; sliding the computer farther up. He did it for privacy, not that Ryan was concerned with what the man was doing anyway, and turned his body more towards Ryan. "Have a good night?"

"Mmm..." Ryan hummed, stretching his arms out then laying his head down on the counter, eyes falling shut. It wasn't that he was still tired, necessarily, but rather still waking up. "Do you know where Brendon went?"

"To attend to his tourist duties." Will replied, laying his head down as well to mirror Ryan's position. "He should be back around noon. Told me to tell you that you can hang here for the day or whatever you want." Ryan's eyes opened, seeing William's calm face a few inches before him, staring with soft eyes of curiosity. "Your friends took the car and B has the jeep so we're a little vehicle-less too." he added as though trying to persuade Ryan to stay there. Ryan wasn't rushing out the door right away anyway.

"What time is it?" Ryan asked, lifting his head while yawning and blinking his eyes a bit.

"About eight or so?" Bill guessed, rising up as well, lips pursed together in thought. Ryan nodded, resting his head in his hands on the counter; staring out the window across from him where he could see the edge of the private section of beach Brendon owned. "Why? Big date or something?" William teased, propping his head on one hand to look at the man beside him.

"Not that I know of," Ryan said with a little laughter, replying without even thinking first. "I mean, you know, I'm not sure if Spence has anything planned." He shrugged after in a desperate cover-up attempt, looking down to the granite counter to try and hide his embarrassed face. It's not like William didn't know what happened the previous night; everyone did.

"Well, if you're not doing anything, you can hang with me until B gets back." Bill suggested. "Gabey's probably going to be in bed all day with a hangover and my only plans were to bother Nalex for the day."

"Nalex?" Ryan inquired with confusion, turning his head to face William who laughed.

"Yeah; sorry. Nate and Alex; They're always together so we just refer to them as one person. You know, like Brad and Angelina being Brangelina." Will explained, Ryan's mouth forming a small 'o' as the confusion faded. "Their restaurant is a short walk from here if you want some breakfast." He sat up straight in the chair. "I'm sure their lazy asses will be up by the time we get there."

"Uh...sure." Ryan agreed because he really couldn't think of doing anything else other than sitting around Brendon's house until the younger man got home. He didn't feel like getting dragged around by Spencer in whatever he felt like doing for the day and William wasn't really all that bad once you got to know him a bit.

"Awesome." Bill instantly beamed, sliding from the stool he was seated on and grabbing his laptop. "I just have to take care of this and I'll be back down." Ryan nodded, turning around with his elbows resting on the counter, watching Will disappear up the stairs to the second floor. He heard a door open slowly, William probably trying to keep the noise down to save Gabe an even worse headache, accompanied by soft voices of what Ryan assumed was Will telling Gabe where they were going.

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