Chapter 11

233 8 11

PART 1/3

Lucy Heartfilia

My fingers tapped the desk lightly as I stared up at nowhere in particular. I used my other hand to rest the right side of my face. 

It's been a week since the Holiday Festival. It wasn't that fun, just as I expected. But that's maybe because I spent it by myself. It's the same every year. That's how it's always been. 

But this time instead of spending it locked up in my room or in the hospital, I stayed outside for hours. I didn't do anything but just sit there and stare at the lights along with the falling snow. Even on Christmas day, I did the same thing. 

It wasn't eventful, but I think I prefer it that way. 

Now that the Holiday Festival is over, New Years is around the corner. Actually, today is December 29. There's only one or two days left. And surprisingly so far, nothing major has happened involving my health. I think I'm getting use to being in a different place other than my home and the hospital. 

But the thought of something happening to me while I'm here will forever linger in my mind. It scares me daily.

''Now that I've gone over the agenda for today, let me take roll and we'll be getting started!'' Ms. Strauss told us cheerfully, pulling out a pen. She had this serious look on her face for a moment as she looked over at all of the students. Then with a light smile, she wrote something down on the clipboard she held in her hands before hugging it close to her chest. ''I didn't know it was your birthday today, Mr. Dragneel.''

It's that guy's birthday? 

''Heh.. sorry, Ms. Strauss. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it.'' I heard him chuckle slightly.

''Nonsense. Happy birthday, Natsu.'' The teacher winked at him then placed down her clipboard on her desk. She started to write on the board while some of the other students wished him a happy birthday.

I wish I would've been able to get him a present although I don't even talk to him. Oh well, wishing him a happy birthday is the least I could do.

I turned around in my seat and glanced over at Natsu. I opened my mouth to say what I wanted to tell him, but closed my mouth shut once I took a full look at him from head to toe. My chest had suddenly felt as light as a feather and I had gotten this small giddy feeling inside of my stomach. 

I continued to stare at him awkwardly. I wanted to just get what I wanted to say over with, but it was if I couldn't speak. 

It's a good thing he's too busy talking to his friend to notice me.

I quickly glanced away before I jinxed myself. What am I getting so worked up for over telling him happy birthday?

Natsu Dragneel.. I didn't even really notice him that much at first. Either because my head has been filled with thoughts about this boarding school, my health, and my guardians or the fact that I don't want to get involved with people that much here. 

Becoming friends with them? I can do that. But telling them everything and trusting them.. I can't do that.

When I first saw Natsu when he was giving his cheerful introduction, I thought that he must be a kind person since he claimed that he likes making other people happy. That was until I saw his smile. And right then and there, I could tell that it was forced.

Maybe it's just my imagination, but I know when a smile is fake or not. Well, most of the time I do. It's because I've done it so many times that I can't even tell when I'm truly happy or not.

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