Chapter 1

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Fang - silver hair with shark blue highlights, gray eyes. Victor's little sister and Ravens best friend - 16

Derrick - brown hair - sharp jawline- husky voice - brown eyes- tall- Ravens brother and Victors best friend.- 17

Raven - black hair - green eyes- Derrick 's big sister. Fang's best friend - 18

Victor - blond hair - blue/gray eyes - tall - deep voice. Fangs big brother and Derricks best friend. - 20

Fang's p.o.v

Hi, My name is Misty Fang but, most call me Fang, just cause it sounds cooler I guess.  I live in a huge house with my friends.  it's got six bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a living room/kitchen. Now don't go thinking that we're rich because, we're not, I wish we we're. The reason we have this wonderful house is my brother Victor is a writer and since we all have the mind of 8year olds (and dirty minds.) We come up with some pretty good books. Anyway, the other residents are Derrick and Raven. They are my best friends and my family.

     I snap out of my thoughts, Me and Raven are doing what we love to do, what is that you may ask making fun of syfy  channel movies. I ask " Hey Raven, What movie is on to day?" She looks up from her book, looking annoyed, "You scare the hell out of me when you do that!" She just smiled and said, "I know."  I tilt my head down slightly  and in a whinny voice said,  "Why do you hate me?" Then look up and we both looked serious for a moment, Then we busted out laughing.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Raven and I turned around and both screamed "Victor!" And as soon as we realized it was Derrick. We both just sighed and said, "Oh, it's just you." and turned back around. Derrick came down and looked at us and said, "What the hell does that mean?"
He said in a angry tone. He turned to Raven looked at her and screamed, " Hey bitch where's my breakfast!" With a smirk on his face. Raven ignored him and kept on reading her book. Derrick came closer to her and grabbed her book. Then held it up in the air (He is 6'3) he bent down and looked at her and said, " Hey pancake where in the hell is my breakfast!" Raven turned and looked at him and screamed, " God gave you legs use them , now give my book back fuck ass!" By now Victor had came downstairs made me, him, and Raven some food, Then went up to them and screamed, "Children. Children" They just kept arguing. Victor said, "That's enough shut the hell up!" I just sat there eating cookies that Victor made for me last night. "Damn I love cookies!" Everyone stopped and looked at me.
Derrick got up and said, "Screw you guys and your food!" He said glaring at Victor. Victor look at him smiled and said, " If you weren't such a ass you would've gotten some." Derrick was pissed and stormed into a kitchen.

A few minutes passed, Victor had gone back upstairs and Raven had finished her book and went to her room to start a new one. Derrick came out of the kitchen. Looked at me and yelled, "Hey bitch what have you done with my pop tarts?" I said, "I don't like your tone sir!" Raven started back down the stairs. "You!" screamed Derrick "What in the hell have you done with my pop tarts?" Raven looks up from her book, she looks even more annoyed than earlier. Raven let out a large sigh, she took off her glasses, looked at Derrick and screamed, "Hey bumbass if I knew where in the hell those damn pop tarts where, I would give them to you cause you sound worse than a child." She said with a smirk. " Oh yeah, well your a cheekydickwaffle!" Screamed Derrick. She just sighed and said, " Your grammar disappoints me." I went into the kitchen and grabbed my plate of food, that Victor made for me. It was still warm and I took it back into the living room. I walked up to Derrick, looked up at his face and said, "Here take my food." He looked at me with a smirk on his face, said, "I knew that you still loved me." I just rolled my eyes and looked at him with a serious face and screamed, " Shut up, No I don't, I'm just don't mind eating leftovers." He looked down at me and blew on my ear and said, " If that's true then, Why are you so flustered?" I looked at him and he had a big grin on his face. I went "Fine then, I'll just take my food back!" He was satisfied with my reaction. He took the food and went back to his room.
Raven looked at me and laughed. She said, "You know who took his pop tarts don't you?"  I thought a minute and went to speak.  She interrupted me before I could say it. "No it's not me!" "I don't know then!" She sighed, " Think about it if it wasn't me or you. Who is left?" I looked at her and I a unsure voice said, "Victor?" She said in a sarcastic tone said, "Ya good job smart one!" I looked at her and said, " I declare war!" We ran upstairs and played "Call of Duty Ghosts"  a few hours passed and soon it was midnight. I looked at Raven and went "Shit" she goes "What?" I looked at her and said, "I forgot About the test tomorrow. " "There's a test?" Asked Raven. We both just went, "CRAP!" Ahh I'll just study in the morning. "I'm not worried about it."

I'll start on chapter 2 right now!
Sorry that chapter one was just a introduction of our little happy pack of Peepz. Plzzz tell me your thoughts and I'm new at this. \(^~^)/

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