Note/ Chapter2

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Okay I hoped that you guys liked what I have so far. And those of you. Who read the first chapter when it first came out. Instead of having Misty be a werewolf. I'll fix it so don't worry there will be  love. Oh ya and new characters are gonna be added.Tell me what you think of our little happy cast. On to the book.
New Characters -
Zero- black hair- gray eyes- sun kissed skin- jawline- brother of Drake, Nathan, Alucard, and Dracula Blackgate.

Fang's p.o.v

Let's see today is Monday, I hate Monday's they always drain the life out of me. I got up two hours early so I could take a shower and eat. But most importantly study!
After a well needed 15 minute shower, I tip toed past Derricks room. I wouldn't dare waking him up.  Last time was bad he almost tore the house in two. I continued sneaking down the hall, soon I made it to the top of the staircase. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. It was about 5:25am, I mentally checked my list of this I have accomplished, Lets see I have showered and got dressed and made my bed. Victor came out of his room with bed head and rubbing his eyes. I turned quickly and said, " I'm sorry did I wake you?" He looked at me smiled and said, " You better get to studying, So you can make good grades." After that he patted me on the head making my messy bun live up to its name. "Victor!" I said in a winey voice. I started down the stairs and stopped turned back to Victor, He yawned and said, "Have a good day!" "You too and get some sleep." I replied with a smile.

I continued down the stairs, I stopped when I got to the bottom to find Raven sitting on the couch. Surprisingly she wasn't reading her book, which meant that she had found a show that either has a real good looking boy *a grin grew on my face* or we can make fun of it! I ran over to the couch, looked at her and asked, "What's on today?" She spit her cereal out and said, " Oh! It's a wonderful show I found with some really hot boys called the Blackgate's!  I swear Drake is so hot! * She looked at me and nudged me with her elbow* "I wouldn't mind if he took me home!" I just sighed and got up, I walked into the kitchen and got some cereal. I opened my cocoa puff box, naturally I dumped it in the bowl but the only thing that came out was pop tarts. I didn't realize it but Derrick had came down and was standing behind me. I bit my lip and turned around to yell at Raven, But before I knew it.

I was laying on the floor and all I could see was the ceiling. Derrick put his hands on my shoulders, and was sitting on his knees. (Basically pinned down) Just enough to keep me from getting up. He was clearly upset, he looked down at me with tears in his eyes. It reminded me of a child or a puppy. He began to speak, " Misty you said that you didn't know where they were * His voice began to crack a little* Did you lie to me?" Before I could answer a deep voice screamed, " Hey dumbass get off of my little sister!" Derrick just screamed, " SHIT!" In a blink of an eye. 
The couch was flipped Raven was yelling at the boys to stop however, her attempts were useless. The boys were on the floor attacking each other. I heard someone at the door, so I slowly walked to the door thinking its 6:00am in the morning. Who would be at the door? What if it was a neighbor coming over to complain about the noise! Dreading opening the door that much more, I still managed to put on a fake smile a greet the person on the other side. I open the door. But it's not my neighbor, instead it's a tall boy with beautiful gray eyes and short shaggy black hair. He was covered in water cause of the weather, which didn't help me focus. Because his white shirt was starting to stick to his skin.

Raven swept up behind me and kept whispering in my ear, " Get Some Get Some!" I was still staring at the boy in front of me. He just smiled and said, "Are you done eye raping me yet?"  I shook my head and began to blush. He gave a big smile, Then asked, him to come in. He accepted my offer and came in.

The boys were still fighting and Raven was cleaning spilled cereal out of the carpet. I walked into the kitchen and packed the bowl of soaked pop tarts over to were the boys were still fighting. I took the pop tarts from the bowl and hit them both in the face. They looked pissed and I screamed, " We have a guest!" Derrick looked at me and said, " Honestly did you hide my pop tarts?" I sighed and said, " No Derrick, Victor did." They began to fight again. They knocked me down.

Explanation time!!!
(Victor and Derrick are fighting. Victor was on top, However he stopped and looked at me. Derrick saw his window of opportunity, and flipped Victor over. So now Derrick is on top and Victor is under him. In that time, their legs tripped Misty. Unintentionally I hope.)

I watched the room turn upside down (She fell backwards) I dropped the bowl and milk hit my white t-shirt, then My head landed on something hard, my vision went blurry, and I guess that I blacked out.

Okay ik that this chapter wasn't that good I'm sorry.
        - Misty

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