Chapter 13

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Hey guys! As promised, here is another chapter! There is a bit of skipping around POV wise, sorry about that. Happy holidays!

Percy's POV

I woke to the sound of alarms. I still was jumpy, I was always jumpy after Tartarus. Having said that, I was out of my new bed, which, I confirmed, was a water bed, and had Riptide pulled out in a matter of seconds. Just then, I saw Steve, Thor, and Peter run into my room.

Peter's POV (I'm sorry Percy's was so short)

I was eating breakfast when I heard the alarms. Tony ran out of the kitchen into the control room. Clint, Bruce, and Natasha followed.
"Go! Find the others!" He yelled over his shoulder at me. I started running to the bedrooms. I met Steve and Thor in the middle of the hallway.
"Where's Percy?" Steve asked.
"He must still be in his room," I panted.
We raced to the end of the hallway and burst into his room. He stood in the middle of the very blue room holding his sword, fear in his bright green eyes. I felt bad for him. I mean, I still feel the pain of losing my uncle and that was five years ago. I can't imagine losing all of my friends and believing it was my fault. I already know it wasn't his fault that his friends died. I had a feeling he would die for any of them. He blames himself because he didn't have enough time to save them. But I realized something: he's saving us. He's bringing us together like we've never been before. I also think, in a way, we're saving him. We're giving him a reason to live; helping him get over his grief that had plagued him for the longest time.

Steve's POV

Percy was looking at us, visibly terrified.
"What's happening?" He asked us, fingering his sword nervously.
"We don't know, but hopefully it's a false alarm," I told him.
"Come on, guys, we better get moving," Peter said behind us.
"Right, let's go," I heard Percy say.
We rushed out of Percy's room with Thor in the lead, his hammer at the ready.

Tony's POV

"Tony, what's wrong?" I heard Natasha say behind me as we raced to the control room.
"I don't know, ok? I just don't know," I shouted behind me. This had never happened before, and I was pretty sure it wasn't a user error or a false alarm. Of course, I didn't tell anyone else this. The last thing we needed was a bunch of panicked people running around Stark tower like chickens with their head cut off. We rounded the corner and came to a halt.
"Not this again!" I moaned, "don't we deserve a break?!"
Standing in the middle of the doorway of the control room was the one and only Lee Savage.

Ohhh, cliffhanger! I feel like Uncle Rick. >:) I apologize in advance for what may happen. You know, people have been saying that I never make any of my characters die. Wait. Just. You. Wait. On that note! Have a fantastically amazing day!


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