Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I'm so happy because this story has more than 400 views!!! Thanks guys so much. So, in celebration of this achievement, I'm updating waaay earlier than I normally do! Enjoy!

Percy's POV

I woke up in a completely white room. I tried to stand up, but then remembered what happened. I fell back on the bed in pain. I heard the door creak open. I looked up and saw Steve.

"Why were you at my parent's apartment building when they... passed?" I asked, getting a little choked up.

"I saw the fire, and I ran over to help," He said simply.

"Oh," I said. "So, are you guys just a bunch of superheroes who protect the city when it needs help?"

"Sometimes, but it's a little more complicated then that," He replied. "What are you? Why are you so dangerous?" He asked.

I gave a rueful laugh. "That's why you are here," I spoke my thoughts aloud, "To interrogate me."

He sighed, defeated.

"Yes, I guess so, but I prefer to call it having an informative discussion," He replied airily.

"Ok, sure," I said, not quit sure why he was interrogating me.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"Because the director thinks you are a terrorist," Steve said.

I started laughing. It started when a tiny giggle escaped my lips, then it grew until it was a full out hearty chuckle. Man, it felt good to laugh. After everyone died, I could barely even manage a smile.

"What's so funny?" Steve demanded, looking confused.

I didn't answer him. I decided he could figure it out.

Steve sighed, then left. I was alone.


Haha! Surprise! You probably thought that was the end of the chapter! I thought about it, then realized this was a special chapter, so its going to be long:) ONWARD, MY FAITHFUL MEERKATS!!!!

I was only alone for a short time, though, because then the red and blue spider spandex person came in and said, "I'm supposed to escort you downstairs."

I followed him down a flight of stairs. The walls next to the stairs were made of glass, so I could look outside. I breathed a sigh of relief. At least I was still in New York. Spider dude ushered me into a room. I took a look around, and saw that there were floor to ceiling windows, white walls, and pretty slate floors. My footsteps echoed across the room. I looked ahead and saw that there was a white couch and two cushioned chairs, the chairs parallel to the couch. Spider dude made me sit in one of the chairs, and I realized that we were now not alone.

There was everyone that attacked me, plus one more. He had glasses and graying hair, maybe a doctor.

"Tony," The suit guy introduced.

"Natasha." The redheaded assassin.

"Clint." Bow dude.

"Spiderman." Spider dude said. Everyone from their little team glared at him.

"Fine, fine, Peter," He said, sighing.

"Bruce." New guy.

"Thor." Ashamed one.

Then, a guy with dark skin and an eyepatch walked in. He looked like a pirate.

"Boy, you are in a whole lot of trouble," He said, all while glaring at me like I killed his puppy.


Ok, guys! That was a good 530 words! Woooooo! Ok, well, you peeples probably have things to do, so I'm gonna shut up now.






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