Chapter 3 (Finally! Sorry...)

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OMG YOU GUYS, 223 VIEWS ON ONLY THIS STORY?!?! You people are amazing, and this is why I write for you. So, really, thank you. I've really rambled long enough sooo... Here you go!

Percy's POV

I was on the way home from walking to the cemetery, like I do every Friday, when I tensed up. Something was wrong. I scanned the streets, looking for the danger. I passed a lot of shops, a shwarma one in particular. (Ha,ha. See what I did there? No? Ok...) As I was checking out an alley , I felt them. Six people. One in the air, one on the roof above the alley, one was "hiding" in the shadows, I fought to keep back a laugh at that one. Three were on the ground in plain sight. I had my back turned to them. One seemed like he/she was at the back of the group, like he was sad or ashamed to be here.

"Hello, there," I said, humor in my voice. I turned around, and laughed. These people were dressed in spandex, like they were some sort of superhero group.

"What?" The one in the air demanded. He had a gold and maroon suit. (Harry Potter, anyone?)

"I... just.. didn't think this was a cosplay festival," I said through fits of giggles. They all incredulously stared at me. Except for the one in the back. He was shaking his head and laughing softly. I sensed a powerful aura coming off of him. Hmmm, I'll have to investigate that later.

"Ok, ok," The guy that looked like Independence Day threw up all over him. He looked like the leader. He was like Jason in many ways, regal yet humble, and could take control of any situation, much like myself. Wait a minute... He was the guy that tried to save my mom and Paul... ohh, that random dude has some explaining to do... UGH. ADHD getting me off track again. Where was I..... Oh, yeah, heh, I remember now... heh.. heh... heh.(Heh.)

"We just need you to come with us, we're with S.H.I.E.L.D," Flag dude said.

"And what if I say no?" I challenged.

The person in the shadows emerged. It was a woman.

"Fortunately for us, that won't happen," She said as she drew two taser-looking things.

The others got their weapons ready. I pulled out Riptide and the metal-suit guy snorted. The sound died in his throat when I uncapped the pen. I snickered.

"Never gets old," I muttered to myself with a grin.

And, with that, I charged.


I know, I know, I promised there would be some action in this chapter. GUESS WHAT? I LIED!!!!! HEEHEH. I do swear on the river Styx that there will be my definition of action in the next chapter.

*Thunder rumbles*

With that, peace out my fantastically amazing jellybeans!






Hero-PJ Avengers crossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora