"Mothy," Karo called from the driver's seat as I walked over to the back of the jet, as the seat lowered itself and my shotgun connected with the shotgun-holder. "Make sure to aim at the top of the tribe house." She commented as I smirked and took my position.

"Ready to take off." I heard Karo spoke into the microphone and we took off into the sky. I pulled the shotgun back and took a nap until Karo acknowledge me with the podcast. "Get on with your skills, Moth." She smirked as I smiled and Wayme's jet came into view.

Division B, ready to shoot. Wayme said as I spoke into my microphone, "aye aye captain." And then I started shooting, my eyes squinting against the sun, but my accuracy didn't falter. Karo managed to dodge all of the fires, despite the enemies shooting at us viciously.

Bomb it. Keb's voice sounded in my headphones as I nodded and fired my shotgun. It hit the tribe house squarely and soon exploded into a bright orb of fire. "You're kidding me right." I commented as Iancyk scurried to the rooftop.

"Just hit it Moth!" He yelled as I pressed the fire button after confirming the aim and the position of the shotgun. It hit him squarely in the chest and he stumbled backwards, his eyes glowing red with rage.

"You're going to be dead! Dead dead!" I heard him yell at me. Let's see about that, cyk. I thought as Karo turned the jet around and we flew back towards our tribe house victoriously.


"Mothy, she managed to hit him squarely in the chest despite the distance between them and now we're cyk-free." Karo said in our lunch with a hint of tease in her eyes.

"Stop it," I slapped her arm playfully as I looked away from the admiring gazes and focused on the yard. "It's spring." I sighed.

"It's April, Motheh." I smiled at the familiar nickname as a few mice waved at him with enthusiasm, grins present in their faces.

"Really? I never realized that." I pouted, as his smile turn into a frown. "Is it just me, or is it the time which was speeding up itself?"

"It's just you, Motheh." He sat on the couch, cross-legged as he faced the dining table. "You're too busy with tribe things."

I looked down at my paws, "I can't do anything about it, can I."

"You sure can, Motheh. You don't need to overwork yourself." The chattering died around the dining table as all eyes were fixed on us. Wayme placed his head on his paws and stared us with curiosity, waiting for my reply.

"Listen," I replied solemnly, like how it was when I was talking to X. "DCF, is like my home. Wayme is not only our leader, but our teacher and our mentor. Though I am not a leader, or anything significant, I'm thankful for what I had been given, because I'm given the chance to learn. And if I were given this chance, why don't I try my best?"

Mere looked at me, stunned, as he looked over to Wayme, whose jaw dropped. Lut clapped his paws, earning the participation of the other mice, "well said." Lut said and cheered as I shot him a dirty look.

"YouTube and Chill, anyone?" Lut asked, hoping to lighten up the mood, and earning some chuckles from the perverted guys at the corner of the room.

"I don't see the reason not to." Wayme said and walked to the basement, where he had set up a room especially for the event (not for YouTube'n'chill, for watching films)

Karo, Lut, Wayme and I, including Mere made our way to the room and sat down on the couch comfortably. Keb excused himself from this event and went off to practice Deathmatch in the arena. Guys.

"What are we going to watch?" Mere asked as Lut fiddled around with his gadget and Poker face came on the screen. Karo and I groaned in annoyance simultaneously. Lut sang along with the song, totally into the song itself as he stood up and started wiggling his arms to the song.

Wayme smirked and switched the song into Paradise Lost by Hollywood Undead as Lut stopped dead in his tracks, rolling his eyes in surprise. "Aw come on!"

"Too late, I'm in charge." Mere spoke at last as he typed into Lut's gadget. I covered my ears, getting ready for the most surprising dance move Lut's going to show when the song came on as Karo placed my head on my shoulder.


I'm just going to make this short. I hope that you enjoyed this chapter and don't forget to vote!

Thank you for your support and as always, stay awesome and I love y'all!


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