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Third Person POV

After Peetas father has died, him and his man are going around, door to door, to houses and stores and bakery's, everywhere that has a woman and they would have to try on the one shoe that the mysterious woman left at the ball, the grand duke has agreed with a evil plan with Lady Tremaine, keeping Katniss locked up and in the attic where no one can find her, Peeta commanded that the duke spares no effort, knowing the duke Peeta is secretly joining the journey.

Katniss on the other hand is locked up in her room, her thoughts drowning her mind, thinking that she'll never get away from her evil stepmother, wishing her godmother would help her but she knows that greediness isn't a good thing to have, so she just walks around, pacing and thinking.

Once they come to the last house the two girls try on the slipper, before they start leaving, singing is heard, Katniss' mice friends have managed to open the window so everyone can hear her sing

"Have you got another madden in your household?" Captain Boggs asks

"No" Termaine replies

"Then has your cat learnt to sing" he says and she laughs fake

"It is nothing" the grand duke says and Peeta takes off his hood and everyone bows their heads

"I remember me noting that you will spare no effort in this" Peeta reminds

"Captain, do you care to investigate" Peeta asks, still hearing the beautiful voice.

Termaine shows the captain up into the attic and opens the door and Katniss stands up away from the window

"See I told you, nothing but a servant" she says and I look to the ground, that's kind of true

"Young lady, come downstairs, the King would like to talk" he asks

"She cannot" stepmother argues

"Who are to stop a captain of the King, a saint?" He snaps

"I am her mother" she gasps, that's when I build up all of my confidence

"You are not and never will be my mother" I admit and I walk past her and she grabs my arm

"Just remember what you are, you filthy retch" she spits and let's go of her.


I make my way down the rest of the attic stairs and I pass a mirror, my face has some dirt, my dress is dirty, my shoes are the same old shoes I wear everyday, I continue walking till I enter the lounge were a boy stands he turns and I bite my lip, it's the prince, Peeta

"I hope you don't mind, to try this on?" He asks and I smile

"There's a possibility that it won't fit but if it does, will you take me as I am? A simple country girl who loves you" I ask

"And me, an apprentice still learning his trade" he says and I sit down, he takes off my left shoe, placing the slipper in its place, it slides right on, Peeta looks up smiling, I take it off and stand, we both lean on when we're interpreted

"Katniss! Katniss! You can forgive your sisters" my stepsisters say, now they be nice, Peeta takes my hand and starts to walk me out, I turn to my stepmother who is on the stairs

"I forgive you" is the only thing I can say before I ride off on Peetas horse.

The Girl With The Glass Slippers   {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now