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~Father Returned~

"So Katniss, I'm thinking to start a new chapter in our lives" father starts as I play on the floor with Gale and I smile

"As you may know Lady Tremaine's husband has passed, she is a beautiful and kind woman but I wanted to ask you, what do you think?"

"This is for your happiness" I state and he smiles

"Yes! Happiness" he smiles, I pick up Gale and walking over, hugging my father

"She has two lovely daughters to keep you company" He says and I breathe in his scent, I'm happy for my father and we'll have a mother figure in the house.

~Few Days Later~

I breathe in and out walking towards the front door repeating my mothers words be confident and kind, confident and kind, I run to my father holding Gale as we watch the carriage pull in, out come two girls, they look richer then we do

"You've got pretty hair" one says

"You should style it" the other adds

"Style it?" But I like having it in my single braid soon a cat jumps out as a lady with blonde hair has it on a lead, she is beautiful

"Oh Mike! What a... Small home you've got" she states

"Thank you Lady Tremaine" father replies

"Would you two like a tour?" I ask the sisters and the whisper things too each other

"We'll all take a tour, as a family" father comes over kissing my cheek and I brightly smile and nod, a family, it feels good having Lady Tremaine and her daughters join our small family, father will finally be happy again and as will I.

5 Days Later

"Buttercup!" I pick up the cat who meows

"The mice are our guests, go on, you've got plenty of cat food" I say shooing him up stairs

"Us ladies take care of each other" I smile and wink at my mouse friend and walk off to my fathers study where he's writing on papers

"Your missing the party" he looks up and smiles and I sit across from him

"Seems your stepmother has it under control, I'll be off first thing" he replies, this absolutely broke my heart

"But you hardly got back from your last trip" I frown

"Well your sisters want lace while I'm gone, what do want back?" He asks

"The first tree branch that touches your shoulder" I state and he looks at me weirdly

"That's an odd thing, why that?" He comments

"Because when your on your trip, you'll think of me and when you come back, that's all I really want" I admit and we hug and I let a tear fall and he pulls away

"Listen, I want you to be confident and kind towards your stepmother and sisters no matter how hard they are, promise?" He smiles and I nod

"Promise, father do you miss mother?" I ask and he nods eyes teary

"Very much" and we hug again, I'm going to miss my father and spend as long as I can with him when he's back from his travelling.

The Girl With The Glass Slippers   {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now