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That Night

I help my step sisters with their dresses and washing, after all of that I sit in my attic room mending my mothers dress, with a little help from the mice, if stepmother didn't want her money spent on a ball gown for me then I shall mend and make one.

I walk downstairs and Lady Termaine looks at me, eyes wide

"It didn't coast you anything, it was my mothers" I speak and she walks over

"You really think I want you seen with my daughters? Plus these old rags? It's practically falling to pieces" she rips one of the sleeves and Glimmer and Delly, the front bit

"Mark my words girl, you shall not go to the ball" I sniff as they walk out and I run outside and cry

"I am sorry mother, I tried" I sob and run to the garden and cry

"Why are you crying Katniss" I turn to see a old lady

"It doesn't matter, it's nothing" I reply softly

"Do you have bread or some milk?" She asks and I wipe my tears

"I'll try and find something" I sniffle and pour some milk and giving it to this woman and she drinks it, letting a burp out which makes me laugh a little

"Who are you? And how do you know my name?"

"I am your hairy mother, I mean fairy god mother" she replies

"But they don't exist, their for children" I admit

"Your mother believed in them didn't she?" I look down, she did, she told me we all have a fairy godmother when we need one or if we believe

"Now I'm yours" she replies standing

"Let me slip into something more comfortable" in minutes she is in a white sparkly dress and blonde curls 

"That's better" she says and I'm still smiling brightly

"Let's find something for your coach, fruits and veg" she names stuff, one that I don't even know

"We have pumpkins" I reply and show her the pumpkin patch

"Hold this" she gives me her wand and she cuts the stork of the biggest one and tries picking it up

"Too heavy" she drops it and grabs her wand from me, waves her wand and it grows bigger and bigger and it bursts open, comes together to form a golden carriage

"Okay carriage done, now we need mice" she says

"Mice?" I question, my mice friends try running away

"Bippiddi-boppaddi-boo!" She says and hits the mice and before my eyes they turn into four white horses

"Oh gus gus! Look at you!" I smile

"Now we need lizards" she continues, the two lizards are turned into human footmen

"Lastly we need a coachman, I mean a goose" she zaps mr goose and he turns into a coachman, after all that she looks at me

"Can you mend it?" I ask

"Darling I can make something new" she smiles

"No, I want a part of my mother with me while I'm there" I reply

"Hm, a nice blue will do the trick" she zaps my dress and I spin around as her magic twirls around me and soon it's finished, I smile

"Mother would've loved it!" I happily admit and she smiles and escorts me to the carriage, I step up and she gasps

The Girl With The Glass Slippers   {Completed}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon