Just a Story (Right?)

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(Thank you xXKurokoXx for showing me this picture.)

This is just a story I wanted to post, but didn't know where to post it.

I've been walking all over town trying to find where the game store was. I was walking all over until I saw the sign shining bright.

"Hiya. Welcome to game shop." "Wow great customer service." I walked over to the new collection aisle hoping to find some fun games to play.
Luckily I found the right game.

"Hi I'd like to get this game please." As the cashier girl ringed up my game she handed it to me with a huge smile. "You know your our first customer." She gave me my game and a free game card. "It's our treat." I thank her and walk out the store happy.

After an hour of walking I reached my apartment complex. "Hey Y/N how are you." I see my old high school friend waiting at the steps. "Hey Jillian." She was much shorter than you and had long blonde hair down to her shoulders. "Did you get what you were looking for." She asked smiling.
I nodded and smiled back happily.

When I finished hanging out we left to our apartment rooms. We were on the same floor. She was basically my neighbor across the way. As we walked up stairs we could hear yelling from above us and a door slamming. "Stupid jerk." A girl walks downstairs lighting a cigarette and sitting on the steps.

"Are you ok." I asked looking at her. She just peaked through her hair staring at me. "Hehe. You know people tend to answer when spoken to." I just kept smiling with my plastered expression. "Yeah, yeah it's just some.. Uh... Trouble." She starts rubbing her arms do to how cold it is outside.

"Here take this." I hand her one of my jackets. She takes it and wraps it gently around her shoulders. Judging by how she partly fits in it she must be my height. And I'm a fair 6'10 not very many people are that tall. "T-Thanks." She smiles and stops to see an older guy walking past her. "Move out of my way." He tries pushing me, but fails and I end up pushing him back.

"You got a problem buddy." He reaches for something in his pocket but I grab his arm before he could do anything. "Your gonna have one bad time kid." He starts grinding his, but stops to see that I'm still smiling happily at him. "If I were you I would take the smart approach and walk away before that arm of yours gets ripped out of that little socket right here." I dig my thumb deeply in an area of his arm making him scrunch and take a knee.

"F-Freak." He gets up and rushes down stairs getting on a motorcycle revving it through the parking lot. When he could catch a glance at me I darted a non happy smile, just the scary creepy smile you give someone to send shivers down their spine.

"When he comes back just call me ok." I hand her my phone so she can put her phone number in it. "Well o-ok. Here." She takes it putting her name and a little heart next to it. As she walked up stairs she looked back to give me a wink showing signs of affection.

"Aww. Your still a flirty boy huh." Jillian looked back at me smiling wide and raising her eyebrows. I just smiled and looked back at her winking. "Well it's the time of love. Why not." He entered my apartment and flopped on my couch calling Tabby to come here.

"Meow." A little black kitty crawls onto my lap purring affectionately. "I know you missed me." As he kept meowing and purring I petted his back rubbing it back and forth.

"Well look at that it is dinner time." I looked at my phone checking the time and seeing it was 7:00. I got up holding Tabby to my side and walking him over to the bowl. "Here you go buddy." I placed him gently in front of his bowl patting his head.

I walked over to the fridge pulling out my left overs from last night. As it finished cooking I sat at my lonely dinner table staring at the chair across from me. 'Yeah right. Like you'd ever get lucky.' The thoughts kept ringing through my head giving me migraines. The same thoughts that drive me to this fake smile I scars my face permanently.

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