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Sammy POV
"I lay here thinking will I ever get laid again probably won't "

Stop being a lame and get up we are going out said. Johnson

"why should I its not like am gonna meet some one special or anything so leave now so I can get some sleep"

what do you mean you have been sleeping all day so now get up because what if we cant drive soo yea and we know you would  be able to drive. Said gilinsky

"Yes the famous jack and jack are gay I mean the famous Sammy me is gay too and we accept each other " 

"maybe it wouldn't be that bad if I went out yess I will go out I told Johnson and gilinsky them getting all crazy"


20 min later

"we finally showed up to the party name skate or something he suppose a rapper too just like me it was Johnson and gilinsky  I have too amite he was pretty hot but I doubt he is gay like me I don't even know hem"

hey want a drink asked Johnson.

"nah am fine I don't fell like drinking"

come on lose up and lets drink.

"I mean I can lose up a bit and have a couple of drinks"



Damn my parties are pretty crazy people are every where

"But one person caught my eye one blonde headed boy yea am gay but I prefer not to tell anyone because I am famous know guy caught my eye but this one is something".

"he looks like he is pretty drunk and that girl he looks like he isn't digging her maybe I should help hem yea I think I will do that I was walking past a lot of people sucking each others faces off" .

"hey need some help". Yes plz thanks he said

"sorry I didn't get your name" oh am Sammy nice to meet you" he did pretty sloppy probly because he drunk he cant even walk hah nice to meet you am skate "

why are you laughing at me he said in a sarcastic voice

am soo tired he said

"want to go some where more quieted"

"I helped hem to my room I have too admitted am pretty drunk too he sat down we both did and he started to lean and I did too we started too kiss I toke he's shirt off and toke mine off I WANT YOU he said so I toke off he's pants  and I pulled off my pants so now me and hem were in only in our boxers

"I started to kiss he's neck and I can hear hem moaning saying more

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