2. In The Boys Bathroom

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Art. My favorite subject. Our teacher was doing roll call and I tapped my foot against the tile floor. Since Mr. Donovan was always missing sleep from grading projects he would basically let us do whatever we'd like in class so long as we're quiet and didn't disturb him in his sleep. My bestfriend Bryce and I always went straight for the pottery section while others chose the easy route and painted on clean canvases.

"Harley Strokes!"

"Here!" I yelled delightfully hearing my name. After four other names were called I rushed to the clay taking a sizable chunk to make into a nice pot or maybe a vase.

"So Bryce how was your date yesterday night you were boasting about it on the phone I would've assumed you'd quit talking about it until the end of the year."

"Eh it was a lost cause. She thought someone was pulling a prank and then told me she'd never date a loser like me after I set her straight about it actually being a date." I looked at him apologetic to show him that I did in fact feel bad for him but he just shrugged it off with a sigh, "it is what it is Harls."

He seemed like he needed a good teddy bear cuddle, of course for as long as I knew Bryce I still haven't told him about my teddy bear treatment. Sadly every time I thought I had built the courage to tell him I shut down and changed the subject.

I'm a wuss.


After sixth I walked with Bryce to his, Reece Daniels 1966 mustang, I had to admit she was a beauty. She was midnight blue with two thick white stripes running smack down the middle of the car.

I grabbed my lavender Nike duffel bag filled with all my equipment from the cars trunk, "Pick you up from practice at 5:45?" I smiled and hugged Bryce then watched as he drove away with a single honk as another goodbye.

I had an hour before practice began and decided to take my sweet time walking to the girls locker room.

As usual I was the first one in. My duffel sat on a bench as I opened my gym locker to stuff my backpack inside. There was a sudden creek and I leaned back to take a look around. For a moment I ran my eyes along the door to analyze before crying out a hello but only silence responded. I shrugged and continued to strip away my blouse.

"Nice tits." Startled I jumped almost hitting my head with the locker door. I turned to find Anna Marie smirking at me trying to stifle a laugh.

Pleased to see it was only her and not some pervert trying to peep at my body I relaxed and breathed,

"Anna you scared me! That was totally not funny." She giggled and sat her tie dye duffel on a bench and began to unbutton her pink polo shirt.

After a few minutes of changing more girls flooded into the locker room to change for practice. My fellow teammates all greeted me sweetly. I wore a plain white T-shirt some black shorts that reached mid thigh a pair of cleats and a Nike head band. Anna playfully tugged on my ponytail as she passed me by with a smug grin, "get your game face on Harls!" Then jogged outside to the field.

Walking out I proudly grazed at the clean cut soccer field. Some of the girls were already sitting in the middle of the grass stretching. Grinning like the idiot that I am, (that I've been told to be) I ran to meet the girls and immediately sat down beside the girl closest to me, Raquel.

"Nice head band."

"Thanks, I like your jersey." She winked at me and continued to do her stretches.

Finally we did a few laps around the field once the coached arrived.

As I was running a pot hole I hadn't seen had me tripping on to the grass, my knee scraping on a near by rock. The pain was a burning sensation wanting to crawl over my body and into a scream. I stood back up a blotchy red scrape on my knee looking horrendous. The pain subsided after a second or two of standing up.

"Strokes! That looks pretty nasty from here maybe you should call it a day!" Coach Lewis suggested.

I shook my head profusely walking to her clearly without a single limp, "No I'm fine coach I have a team to lead!" She rubbed the back of her neck.

Coach sighed "It wasn't a question, Harley. Go home the team will be fine without their captain for a day."

Complying with my coaches orders I walked to the girl bathroom cursing at myself for not watching out for pot holes. Once entering my locker I changed into my regular close but stayed with my soccer shorts so my jeans wouldn't cover the scrape dripping with blood.

It was currently 4:07 so I'd have to wait for Bryce another hour and thirty minutes. The idea of calling him to pick me up early crossed my mind but I knew he'd most likely be busy with studying or a fling. My best guess is a fling.

A grumbling sound startled me until I realized it was my stomach. No thanks to my dumb alarm clock waking me late I didn't have time to pack a snack for practice today.

I stood to wait outside passing the boys bathroom until I heard a whimper come from behind the closed door.

I stopped to a halt in my tracks and backed up a few steps. I stayed a while before hearing a mumbled voice and more whimpers. Whoever was in there might need help.

Thoughts of informing the principal or any adult still here on campus was the right option to do, but then a small voice in the back of my head whispered to do what I would've wanted the others to do for me in the past. Wandering just a tad closer to what hid behind the closed door I leaned in as my ear came in contact with the cold metal.

Sniffles and chocked cries echoed inside the boys bathroom. The sounds brought memories I had locked away bringing along a heavy chest with them. I tiptoed inside quietly to find a shocking surprise that made a sharp pain shoot in my chest and a lump in my throat.

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