Chapter 3: The Dragons Music

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Before we start I have to let you know that I do NOT own Fairy Tail *sigh* it belongs to Hiro Mashima. The story, however, is mine. Just make sure you know that m'kay?


Chapter 3: The Song of the Dragons (Natsu's POV)

I ran with the other dragon slayers and Lucy. I seriously don't know how she heard the song. Only dragonslayers can hear it. I keep running until we reach a clearing. Stareing up I see dragons. Staring at them, I can only recognize one. Igneel.... A golden dragon was talking to Luce and I know that it had something to do with how she heard the song. I walk up to Igneel.

"Why did you go?" I say my voice cracking. Igneel stares at me in silence and then speaks "It doesn't matter. I am here now." he says simply. "Okay, well you were singing the song and that made us dragonslayers find you, but how did Lucy hear it? And why did you call us?" I say. "That will be answered soon," Igneel says and tries to get the attention of the others.

I look over to Lucy who was in shock. The golden dragon was trying to comfort her, but she kept moving around. I run over to Lucy and grab her hand. "Luce what's up," I say trying to act cool, but burning with curiosity. She just shook her head and put her face in her hand. She ran to the dragon and hid in its' wings.

"Okay best to say everything now and get it over with." Igneel grumbles "First Lucy is a dragonslayer." I gasp along with Gajeel and Wendy "Bunnygirl can do dragon slaying magic? No way." Igneel continues "And you all are gonna be in a battle where your true strength will be shown. Have a nice day."

Igneel starts moving away from us and we just stand there with mouths gaping "That's it?" We shout. Out of the corner of my eye I see Lucy trying to make a getaway. I run and soon have her in my grasp.

"Luce, why didn't you tell me and what kind of dragonslayer are you?" Lucy sheathes her eyes from the light and squirms out of my grasp. "I don't know, but I should test it out," she says uneasily. She takes a stance aiming for a bolder.

"Which dragon slaying magic do you think I have? My mom, the golden dragon Layla, says that she won't tell me unless I get it wrong too many times." I think for a moment "Try either gold since she is gold or celestial since the keys are gold and you are a celestial wizard." I say and something clicks in her brain. She grins.

"Celestial Dragon Roar" she shouts and a ray of gold and stars shoot out of her mouth. "Yeah I think I'm a celestial dragon slayer for a lot of reasons. One being that it worked." I grin.

"Stop messing around this is serious." The white bird-like dragon says. "What do you mean Grandeeney?" Wendy says. "Igneel didn't explain the whole situation. A new power is rising up and I can sense it from here."

"The power is 100x over Zeref's and it's getting stronger." I was getting impatient "Well can you at least tell us their name." I shout "Vayen." she says calmly. After a moment of silence, I hear a gasp from the back of the group.

I look to see Lucy petrified with fear. Her eyes were impossibly wide and she has her hands at the side of her head. She was shaking so much she might as well be an earthquake. "Y-You don't m-mean t-that V-Vayen," she says stuttering. Grandeeney sighs and nods her head. "Well, whoever this Vayen guy is, I am going to beat him." I say and fire appears from my fists "I'm all fired u-"

I am cut off by Lucy "No! Do you realize his level of power? Remember on Tenrojima Island when we fought Achnelogia? Not even half a guild could beat him. Well, Vayen's power goes beyond Achnelogia's. He is practically unstoppable." Lucy starts tearing up. "I don't think we can stop him."

"That is exactly the reason why we called you here. We are going to take you to the dragon realm where you won't age and time is slower. You will stay for 2 years in the dragon realm, but to you comrades, it will only be 2 weeks. There you will train and master your dragon slaying magic and more." Metalicana says.

"But Fairy Tail needs help rebuilding," Gajeel says. "Say you're on a trip to get materials. "Do we have to? I just got done with a year of training." I whine. Igneel walks over to me and pokes me with his finger sending me flying "You still need more training." he states and walks off again.

"So it's settled you children will come with us and train for the time needed." Layla says "Hey we're not complaining, we need some training to get back at Natsu for beating us in the Grand Magic Games a few years ago." Sting says. "Like you'll ever beat me," I say. Sting and I start fighting like me and Ice Prince- I mean Gray would."Go pack up dragonslayers were going to the dragon realm." Grandeeney says and we run off back to Magnolia.


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The Song of the Dragons [A Nalu FanFic][Book 1]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt