I've never talked to a boy???

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I look at the tv shattered TV remote spiting out some colorful words as I try to pick them up and glue the peaces together I finally gave up that hope less thought 

I still was crazy confused about the phone call I needed to know who that man was and who Dylan was and how I killed this mans wife because I'm pretty sure I'd remember if I killed someone.... One minute what if they erased my mind like they did in the fallen star series I think back to myself when I was a little kid .. Dammit I remember everything so I guess that possibly is out....  

I think of the name Dylan who do I know that is a boy ?  

I think back to all my schools there is only one problem ... and that's all my schools have all ways been a Private girls school ....I finally conclude I've never talked to a boy in the whole 15 years on my life at least not in real life I haven't !! How did I just realize this!!!!!!  

Oh my gosh this is the time I'm going to school with boys !!!!! SHIT the only boys I knew we're the ones from Disney !!!! What the hell am I going to do???!!!! What if one try's to talk to me what will I do!??? I AM GOING TO DIE!!!! 

While mental freaking out I hadn't notice that the freaking door bell has been ringing for five min!!! I rush to the door and yank it open and in my door way was a pretty looking women with a batch of cookies in her hand she smiles at and starts talking a mile a minute "hi my name is Annabelle but you can call me Ana I just saw saw you move in so I started backing a batch of welcome to our neighbor hood cookies !!!! 

I stare at her for a minute trying to prosed what she said  

When I finally under stand I smile at her and say" hello my name is Sara thank you so much for the cookies!! Well I've really got to go so...bye!!! And then I slammed the door . I do feel a little bad but that lady serially scares the shit out of me I mean I've never heard someone talk as fast as that lady she need to slow the hell down!!


Hey do me a favor and tell me how you like it because when you people don't comment I have no clue whether its horrible or not so

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