Protected Chapter 1

Start from the beginning

"But sir I don't want to babysit a kid" Oh hell no. "I wanna be doing some dangerous stuff like having robbers shoot at us and kicking some serious ass." 

"Really is that what you want?"

"Yes." Canton looked at me and then looked at Marcus than at me again.

"Alright. Anna you will be staying at Marcus' house until you can afford a decent apartment. My mouth flew open and my eyes got wide I was to shocked to speak. 'What' was all I could get out.

"You heard me. Tonight you will be living with a prostitute that has been here more than she has gone pee." 

"Sir she isn't in the least bit dangerous. I mean look at her." He turned pointing at me then licked his lips looking at me up and down. 

"You don't know her at all. That's why she isn't dangerous right now, wait just wait, you'll be begging me to just be a parole officer. She will make you cry, and make you beg on your knees. Your dismissed." Ha ha I do have that affect. 

"Well, Marcus is it?" He nodded his head. "This should be fun." I walked passed him shaking my hips in the process. I went out waiting for him by his car. He clicked the beeper, he looked really pissed. 

"Get in." He said raising his voice.

"Um, aren't you gonna open the door for me?" I asked in a 'duh' tone.

"Why would I." He asked raising one eyebrow.

"Because I'm a lady that's why." I said as a-matter-of-fact.

"Could've fooled me." My mouth went wide open. Wow, someone is a little cranky.

"Hey don't get all pissy with me. I didn't ask to go to your house. Your the one that got us in this position." I said getting a little anger.

"You would know all about positions wouldn't you." That one hurt me I don't know why but it did. I've heard worse things being said about me but this one hit me like a brick in my stomach.

"Whatever let's just go." I put my elbow by the window resting my head on my hand looking out, getting a little teary. I could feel his gaze on me then he looked away and started the car. The silence was comfortable and easy but I was still a little hurt, thinking in my thoughts he broke the silence.

"Do you have anywhere I need to go to go get some clothes for you?" He asked with sorrow in his voice and eyes.

"No, all I have are clothes that make me look like a whore." He started to laugh and then I looked at him with a 'are you serious?' look. He turned it into a cough and focused back on the road.

"So, you don't have any clothes?'' He asked, really didn't I just say that? I took my arm and rested it on the arm rest next to me, and looked at him.

"Didn't I just say that?" 

"Yeah, sorry just wanted to make sure. Um, well lets go to Wal-Mart and You can pick out some nightwear and clothes and um those things you wear under your clothes." I smiled when I saw him blushing and kept looking into the review mirror while tightening his grip on the steering wheel, and his jaw tensed up, I laughed a little. 

"Bras and panties. Ha ha ha."  He smiled and relaxed a little.  We arrived at Wal-Mart I haven't been here since I was 9 years old. I walked in and it was freaking amazing! You could get food and clothes and toothpaste with deoderant. I love it! I got, a toothbrush, toothpaste, set of towels, nightwear, a couple outfits, a brush, shampoo and conditioner, and he even bought me a straightner! Oh, hehe he even bougth me bras and panties haha. He is really nice. We paid for the things and walked back  out to his car. While I looked through the bags and looked at all my new things I looked over at him, he was focused on the road.

"Thank you." I said and gave him a small smile. I had to admit, it was awkward trying on clothes with him right outside the door.

"No problem, Friday we will go again for more clothes." He smiled at me and gave me a quick glance.

"No you don't have too. Its ok really." He gave me a 'come on' look.

"Its not that I have too which I don't" I smiled "I want to.'' He stopped at a stop light and looked at me. He smiled at me and I smiled at him. Then, something came to my mind. 

"How far is your house?" He pointed.

"You see that house at the top of the hill? Right down below it." Whoa, not as  big as the one above it but big enough.


"Yeah when my parents passed away they gave me all their money and their house. They were rich as hell." OMG I'm going to be living with a rich dude.


When we arrived I was scared to get out because I felt as soon as my feet touched the ground I would wake up from this beautiful nightmare. We walked into the house and he started showing me around starting with the living room.

"This is the living room. There is the t.v." 72" Plasma. I should've known. "This is the kitchen." Nice, nice, "And this, well this is your room." Wow, this room was amazing The walls were a light purple with a bed hanging in the air attatched to Iron rods that had like a leafy pattern and with silk throw across the dark purple comforter on the bed with dark and light purple throw pillows and body pillows. The room had a plasma T.V slightly smaller than the one in the living room. It had a white Love seat and couch.

"Its beautiful." I said just above a whisper.

"You haven't seen the best part."


"Follow me." I quickly put my things on my bed. Can you believe it? I have a bed! We walked into the bathroom connected to my room we walked through it and connected to the bathroom was a huge closet! Like so huge you could have a  party in it with 100 people thats how huge it was. The closet had a mirror on the other side of the closet, it didnt have anything in it except 2 pairs of boots, 2 pairs of sneakers,and 2 pairs of heels. 

 "I can't live here. Its to much I've never had anything like this at all."

"What no you have too." He grabbed my hand and made me turn to him.

"I will lose my job. Please stay." I looked around and then looked into his eyes, while my hand was on fire from his touch, I held my gaze into his eyes.

"Ok fine."



So? What do ya think? I know its a little fast but yeah.




Eat oatmeal with sugar. It tastes good.

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