Where Is Jack?

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There I was standing at the very front of the SMS Louisiana. Staring out at sea as the moon light shone down on me with it's brilliant rays glistening in the night sky.My long wavy light blonde hair blew in the strong ocean breeze as I held onto the railings and was now standing at the very edge of the ship leaning forward.I then stretched my hands outwards dress blew in the wind as I closed my eyes taking deep breaths.This was my very own version of the Titanic. I have always said I would be a better Rose in my opinion and I am. But the question is...
where is jack?
There was never a Jack. As I opened my eyes I heard foot steps behind me followed by a deep voice."Why aren't you in bed?" his blue eyes full of worry.
"I can't sleep,I said stepping back and turning toward him. He stood with his hands behind his back.
"Rose?",he asked with a smirk, nodding his head towards the rail.
Titanic has always been one of my favorite all time classics to read. I've always wanted to be as humble, smart and majestic as Rose.

"Haha. Thank you,"I chuckled, fumbling into a curtsy.
"But where is Jack?"

His facial expression sank into a straight emotionless face.
"Christina, "he sighed looking away from me, "Jack isn't necessary," he said sternly." We will not have this conversation again."

"But dad," I whined.
"Don't you think that sixteen is old enough to at least have a boyfriend?"
"You won't even allow me to spend five seconds alone with Trevor" I said rolling my eyes and turning away.
Trevor was one of my closest friends at home. We lived a few blocks away from each other since we were five. My mom would organize play dates and take us out when we were younger but when she passed, everything changed. Dad said that I was getting too grown to be running around with boys. Since then the only time Trevor and I actually spent together was at school.

"Oh so thats what this is about," he answered.

I knew that I should not have brought up that topic.

"It's time for bed. I'll see you in the morning." He gave me a kiss on my head and walked away.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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