I be use my heart for you and trust it / part to bad ending

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third p.o.v

marionette talked to springtrap and springtrap was surprised by what he said

springtraps p.o.v

forgiving him he represents sin himself! I screamed 

no he doesn't springtrap, do you want to have control or not?

but how are we going to manage that. I protested with my life

we're going to let him talk to y/n

what risk y/n's life are you high or are you a crazy puppet

I'm not high or crazy it was y/n's choice she is willing to risk her life to save you and her dad have  heart and trust it

I do have a heart for fredbear and for y/n and plushtrap I also have a mind and  know what the hell he's capable of her blood could possible be spilled my son could end up depressed and fredbear could blame it on me

but think of the other ending y/n could be happy and another family could be united 

I thought about it ok fine but you better proctect her

ok I shall

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