a disturbing secret

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reader p.o.v

we should check the last place my father was

that's a good idea my friend said as a bit of wind tickled his nose

y/n...no its too much of a task 

no what is it plushtrap

could you help me find my.... dad....

of course 


yes its the best I could do after all you are my friend 

thank you plushtrap said  as his plush legs jumped up to give you a hug


well I think we should keep looking

just then plushtraps ears popped up like daisys when its spring

what is it

y/n run


just run!!!! plushtrap said as  he grabbed my hand

    plushtraps p.o.v

I heard the horrible scream of fredbear it hurt my ears so bad some blood ran down the side of my cheek     

then I told Y/N to run

she questioned me so I grabbed her hand

Plushtrap x orphan readerWhere stories live. Discover now