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springtrap p.o.v

Fredbear help me please, I'm sorry. I cried but I could see only see tears on the outside. I didn't like this I felt no control. I began to shiver in my own mind, I needed to escape I just can't feel in here I'm going numb. wait maybe I could convince Vincent to let me go but wait if he took over can he hear my thoughts. I heard everything sorry bunny boy your springtrapped his voice made him sound like he was mocking  me  

reader p.o.v

Wait what's going on chica I asked I heard fredbear scream get plushtrap and y/n to safety ok sir chica what's going  I asked again nothing dear it's just it's not really a good day to play  it's just unsafe  today fredbear ran down stairs 

fredbears p.o.v

Vincent leave springtrap be I screamed Vincent turned springtrap's body around to face me. springtrap now had black eyes with white pupils and black blood dripped down from his eyes he mentally laughed and lunged at me I dogged him

springtrap please. I began to cry he grabbed a kitchen knife and whispered you never going back cause you got springtrapped he mentally laughed and swung the knife at me he slashed right at my heart at least I thought instead plushtrap went in front

it hurts how the one you love could kill you he manage to say

plushtrap no!!!!!!!!! y/n ran down the steps

foxy came down and grabbed plushtrap it's alright I help him lass

y/n nodded with tears springtrap turn normal he began to cry omg what have I done he cried fredbear comforted him  by kissing him everyone had a weird face then went back to what they were doing

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