Set Him Free

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fredbears p.o.v 

I still can't find my hat to tell you the truth I can't find anything or other ways to do things like how to confess my love to someone special and still even how loud I call him he still can't hear me

springtrap do you know where my hat is

no replay was he playing video games again. I walked down stairs to see springtrap making toast, strange he hates toast and he was completely ignoring me Hey springtrap

leave me alone and no I don't know where your hat is fuckbear. he said in a mocking tone I couldn't ..'s this is not real right I began to cry springtrap pushed me away from him and went back to making toast but why  was he so mean to me I notice the purple aura over him I ran to nightmare chica and she was waiting for y/n to get dressed y/n came out and said something in a low whisper daddy's scent  on fredbear that always make my head fuzzy

what's wrong  chica asked y/n. Daddy was here she said who she asked my dad but that's not possible cause he's gone then Katie came we nicked named her that she was from the fright attraction she looked like she was panicking here redcoat looked all worn out springtrap she panted He's gone.

gone where? I asked he's been taking over by a spirit I cried tears of joy then he doesn't hate me. I said excitedly  

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