
"Why?" Zayn stopped cleaning the bar table.

"I woke up because of him again you know." Harry said coldly. 

"Harry, I don't give a shit! Is he okay?" Zayn said to loud, getting glances at the people sitting not to far away. He turned around and lowered his voice.

"What happened, Harry?" Zayn snapped and Harry sighed. 

"He got fucking glass everywhere."

"And you didn't clean it up or even make sure he was okay?"

"I'm not his godamn babysitter, Zayn! Well he's getting blood all over our apartment, so you might want to hurry."

"Harry wait-," Before Zayn could continue, Harry hung up. Zayn shoved his phone in his pocket and hurried into the office in the back. Zayn was getting sick of Harry being a bitch. He had always done things for Harry, and Harry never did anything in return. 

"Hey, James, can you cover me? It's an emergency." Zayn ripped his uniform shirt off.

"Sure, mate. Do what you gotta do." James was busy on the office phone.

"Thanks." Zayn put his black long sleeved shirt on, and changed shoes. James hung the phone up and moved his light brown hair out of his face. 

"See ya." James called as Zayn hurried out the back while shoving his leather jacket on. 


    Niall wasn't sure how to clean up the glass, so he used his hands. He yelped at every sharp pain that shocked through his hand. Soon enough his hands were covered in blood, making Niall wipe it on one of his new shirts. He had gotten all the big pieces, and he knew it was going to be hard to get all the smaller pieces. Niall wiped his tears, and smeared blood on his cheek. Just as he was about to give up, Zayn run into the kitchen, breathless. Niall could see the fear in Zayn's eyes.

 "Niall!" Zayn's loud voice startled the hybrid. Niall began to quickly pick up the remaining glass pieces.

"Niall sorry!" Zayn ran over to Niall and grabbed his hands, ripping the glass from him and throwing it. Zayn had shoes on, so he could walk over the glass with no problem. He picked Niall up bridal style and carried him away from the kitchen. Niall squirmed in Zayn's hands, surprised by his actions. Niall thought Zayn was really strong if he could pick him up without any trouble.

"What were you doing picking up the glass? Your hands and your feet..." Zayn brought Niall to the bathroom, and set him down on the sink.

"Stay right there, don't move." Zayn demanded. Niall watched him search around the bathroom frantically.

"Zayn mad?"

"I'm mad because you got hurt." The dark-haired boy pulled out proxide, cloths and band-aids.

"Why Zayn?" It was pretty obvious Niall was confused. Why would Zayn be mad that he hurt himself? Zayn ignored Niall's question, and wet the cloth with cold water.

"This is going to hurt a little bit, okay? Just stay still," Niall's body tensed, but he let Zayn clean away the dried blood. Niall had never liked the sight of blood, because it made him light headed. 

"How'd the glass get all over the place, Niall?" Zayn's voice was soothing, not mean like Harry's. 

"Niall look for food." The blonde's voice was shaking. 

"You have to be careful. I don't like seeing you hurt." Zayn's voice was more like Harry's now, deep and demanding. Niall didn't take his eyes off Zayn's. Tonight they were a pretty brown, and you could just see how caring and nice Zayn was just by looking into his eyes. Niall watched Zayn's face as he looked as if he was frowning. The hybrid looked over Zayn's soft, plump lips, his flushed cheeks, the little stubble he was growing under his chin and his perfect hair. Niall secretly wanted to know if Zayn thought about him that way.

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