Shattered Soul [ Hetalia Canada ]

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Shattered Soul [ Hetalia Canada ]

A personification of a nation is said to be immortal; a being who would outlast everyone and everything, a person who lives forever. They face hardships and bloodshed and would see loved ones who are humans grow old and die, yet their souls will still be strong.


There is a way for a nation to die; when their souls are broken. When they had came into this world, their souls were already strong and almost invincible- the key word almost. A nation can be driven to pain and sorrow when things like wars and death corrupt them but other nations will comfort them, that's why they are truly immortal, when they are in the brink of death and insanity, someone will help them back up. Countless times this has happen to all of them but none had died. Except for now because there was no one who will comfort the nation who was always asked "Who are you?"
Canada sat limp on the wooden floor of his house, staring at the ticking clock with the most emotionless eyes, only filled with hurt and sadness. 'Tick tock' said the clock as the big hand moved, Canada still did not do anything, much less utter a word. Kumajiro had been asleep beside him, unaware of the horrifying scene that will unfold soon.

Why was Canada just there, staring at the clock on the wall? Because he was waiting for the time- the time when his wish would come true. When he was to die. He would question himself 'why need to live when you are just a shadow, a ghost that no one can see?' It is better to die then to live feeling like you do not exist and everyone would remind you that.

Again to Canada, he knows how a nation can be killed, like the others but there is no one to help him back up like them, because who actually knows and remembers him? No one he presumes. He had cried day and night, of course heard by none for he had not left his house for more that weeks, the food he had left was always fed to Kumajiro, why feed a guy who was about to die? He had known he was going to die, he had known for more than months.

And he waited for someone who would save him, but no one did. It pains him that no one loves him and even remembers who he is. Matthew Williams, the personification of Canada- is it really that hard to remember? 'I guess it is' he must have thought. The clocks hands now showed that it was 5:30 pm- the time it now started.

A nation doesn't die like a human does. No, they slowly fade away into dust. And that's what's happening to Matthew Williams now. Slowly disappearing starting from his foot, turning to dust. He thought he had shed all his tears but he was wrong, for many more fell down his sickeningly pale cheeks and landed on Kuma's soft white fur, waking the bear.

When he fluttered his eyes open, Kumajiro was horrified at the sight of his master slowly fading away, with tears falling down and a pained smile on his face. He had raced onto his master's lap and licked the tears away. He had been holding down his own tears. He was too late. The fading process was now reaching Canada's knees, Kumajiro was now shaking but Matthew just petted the polar bear's head with his pale slender hands.
America sighed as he walked faster to the meeting room, he had been late yet again, but he did not care. It was this feeling that irritated him, the feeling of guilt and regret. But what was there to be guilty about? Was is the prank he had pulled on Prussia that time? Or was it that he spiked England's tea the other time? No, that wasn't it- and what is it? America was frustrated, but he had chosen to ignore this feeling than to lash out in anger, who ever made him feel this is, as England said 'A bloody git'.

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