Chapter 20- soccer

Start from the beginning

“Cool so when?” he said.

“I don’t know. Dad when are you going to teach me soccer?” I said and I looked at my dad. Mum was leaning on him you know I do not see myself doing that any time soon. He smiled and said

“I never knew that you still wanted to be taught I’ll teach you later and Max could play too.” Yay!

“Thanks dad. Max do you know how to play?” I said.

“I’ve played it once or twice but that’s about it.” He said.

“You know Amelia before you play you going to have to practice using your strength.” Dad said.

“Why? I don’t go around breaking things just by touching stuff.” I pointed out.

“Yeah but for instance if you tsp the ball it could end up over the house and out of the forest.” He said.

“Seriously? I could do that! That’s cool! I should do that sometime. People would be like is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s a football!” I said excitedly.

“I rather you don’t do that Amelia.” Dad said. But why?

“Because if that ball hits something you could have very big destruction.” He said.

“Oh man. So much for my strength how am I suppose to control it anyway? I don’t even know how strong I am!” I said.

“We could try it out.” He said. But I can’t randomly break things! We’ll find out a way Amelia don’t worry my dad said/thought.


I started to get a little impatient only a little I want to play soccer!

“Can we play now?” I asked my dad.

“Yeah sure.” He said he got up.

“Yay! Mum are you going to play as well?” I asked.

“No way I’ll stay inside.” She said she looked horrified by the idea I smiled. Oh well she’ll be missing all the fun. Then Alice came into the room and gave me a pair of trainers.

“Thanks!” I said I put them on and then waited for Max to put his on. I swear he is being slow! But then again I didn’t do my laces I just shoved them in.

“C’mon Max hurry up!” I said.

“Okay, okay I’m done!” he said. Then my dad came in he had a massive sack of footballs.

“Come on let’s go outside.” He said. Yay we could play!!!

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