chaper 1 mastercheif

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Mastercheif we have to leave now luckey said Mastercheif said back oh hell no not intil the king is save aboard the ship got it luckey said back got it.As the enemies were firing on Mastercheif and his crew the king got on the ship and blasted off into space.Mastercheif said lets get the hell out of here mastercheif and his crew ran to the other ships and blasted off into space.They all get back to the base the commander started to have a fit. Commander said in anger you guys destoyed half the city.mastercheif repiled we got the job done didnt we.commander repiled not the point look you got another mission look it over but if you mess it up dont come back got it.luckey repiled he wont mess up.Mastercheif repiled luckey dont commander i'll look over the detils put i wont mess up.mastercheif and luckey walked away o.k said luckey Mastercheif repiled our mission is to go get the king back here but he has people protecting him so what do we do.Masterchief repiled mybe i can cause a distactin you can grab the king and meet me at the ship.luckey said what if you dont make it.Mastercheif repiled if i'm not back in 5 minuts you leave got it.yes said luckey lets get ready said mastercheif

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