seventh - hopeless

Start from the beginning

After a long time, having dinner with Daniel isn't exactly a 'joyful' reunion.

"So . . ." he trails off, his voice wavering and deep. "You stopped by the restaurant last night?"

Louise glances at him quickly before going back to her carbonara. She expected him to start a conversation, but to talk about her presence at his restaurant yesterday? She was sure that he didn't see her there. Unless . . . someone informed him. "Yeah."

"You should've told me," he says a little more enthusiastically than a few seconds ago. Then, he purses his lips. "You wouldn't have to pay for the food."

"Oh, no." She shakes her head with her mouth full. She swallows a little bit down before telling him, "Jerome was the one who got food. I was only there to study." And to feel less lonely.

Albeit she's used to it, she hates being home alone.

The corners of Daniel's lips drop, and she notices this. But he quickly gives her a small, tight smile, and nods once. "I see. Well, you still should've told me. Your friends are an exception, too."

She feels guilty for not telling him the truth; that she actually missed him and wanted to spend at least a few minutes with him while he was on his break, but she left before he could even see her.

She hums a reply, and stays quiet.

But a question remains at the back of her mind. She's been wanting to ask him ever since Uriah came to their house last time, but never found the courage or time to.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He loves Christmas," Uriah had said.

After a few more seconds of contemplating whether to ask him or not, she finally decides to put her pride down and go for it. It's now or never. She clears her throat softly, nervously looks up at Daniel, and asks in a small voice, "Are we going to celebrate Christmas this year?"

He freezes, staring back at her in shock. His eyes have widened a little, and he searches her face to figure out whether she's being serious or not. "I . . ."

"I mean," she adds, cheeks burning instantly but ignores it, "You love Christmas, right? And . . . we haven't celebrated it for a long time so I was just thinking if . . . you know?"

Daniel breaks into a grin, the sides of his eyes crinkle. It's a rare sight for Louise, but she already likes how genuine his happiness is. "I don't see why not."


"Yeah, of course!" he responds excitedly, still grinning ear to ear. "I have no problem with that."

"Great. I guess we'll have to get the decorations soon then. It's already the eighteenth."

He shrugs with a shoulder. "Sounds like a plan."

Louise glances down at the table, and smiles to herself.

"But if you don't mind me asking . . . why all of a sudden?"

She completely understands why he's asking. They haven't celebrated it last year. Or the year before. Therefore, the sudden request just had to make him curious. A few things pop into mind, but all she can concentrate on is 'move on'.

"Just thought that we can't keep waiting for her to come back on this time of the year," she answers, knowing he'd understand who she's talking about. "So it's about time we move on and celebrate together."

When she looks up, she doesn't expect him to be already looking at her with a gentle smile and proud expression etched on his face. His eyes have turned soft, and so has his voice when he agrees, "It's about time."

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