"We kinda stressed her out with that argument tho."

"I know.....I felt like we ruined her mood a little, and I hate to see her upset." I sighed.

"Well, I don't like you Shawntae.....I feel like you stole my family from me."

"I didn't steal your family!"

"Yes you did. The twins absolutely adore you and they talk my ears off about you every time they're with me. And Mariah? Man, she is so madly in love with you......she's never said it out loud, but it's all in her face and body language around you. She's in love with you, and my kids would rather hang out with you.....you won my family." Nick explained, damn near on the verge of tears.

"Nick, those kids talk about their daddy all the time. They always tell me and Mariah about how you dress up, and make funny voices, and funny jokes for them......they love you to death! You're their daddy and that can never be changed, not by me or any other person that Mariah is with. As far as Mariah goes, I love her and I can't imagine not being with her. But it's not like I was in the picture while you two were still married; you cheated on her Nick!! Do you know how much that hurt her?!"

"She didn't seem hurt to me....she never cried or anything."

"That's because she was hiding it from you!! She made herself sick crying one day, I'm talking really sick.....she was throwing up and everything. And it was over YOU, Nick, YOU!!! She was really in love with you, and she loved your family together......but you hurt her to the point where she could no longer trust you. Yes, I know it was a mistake because it happens.....people make mistakes. But every mistake has consequences, and you lost her."

"I want her back, tho!! I'm in love with her, and I realize how stupid I was to hurt her.....I want her back, but you're here now." Nick frowned.

"Nick, if you're honestly in love with her like you say you do.....you'd let her be happy, even if it's not with you. You need to let her go and let her be happy.....I promise, I'll treat her right for you. Just let her be happy." I told him.

"I guess you're right. She obviously wants you, so I guess I won't try to get in the way of that." he sighed.

"So we good, man?" I asked.

"Yeah, I guess we good." he responded. Just after that happened, I felt a pair of baby soft hands cover my eyes and I smiled, knowing that it was Mariah.

"Good morning, baby....." she whispered in my ear, followed by kissing it.

"Good morning, Riah." I responded. She giggled and moved her hands, then she came around and looked at all of us on the sofa.

"So y'all didn't save anything room for me and Rocky?" Mariah giggled. I noticed that Moroccan was wrapped around Mariah's leg, holding on for dear life, making me laugh a little because he's so much of a mama's boy.

"Y'all should've been up earlier cause we were watching cartoons, and we were comfortable." Nick smirked.

"Yeah, and guess what Mommy?" Monroe said.


"Daddy and Tae Tae played nice with each other.....they wasn't mean to each other like yesterday." Monroe told her.

"Oh really?"


"Thank you so much, guys......I love y'all for getting along." Mariah smiled. She kissed Nick's cheek and smiled at him, followed by leaning down and kissing my lips.

"Look, Daddy! Mommy and Tae make kisses!" I heard Moroccan say to Nick. Mariah pulled away and pecked my lips, then she smiled and ran her fingers through Moroccan's curls.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2016 ⏰

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