Ch.2 -Luminescence-

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Chapter 2


Making my way downstairs, I started to really hate that I agreed to go to this party. I would much rather just order chinese and watch a horror film or two.

I filled out the graduation card I got earlier and made it for Megs. Then I put $10 in it and closed it up.

After locking up the house, I got in my car and drove the twenty minutes to Megans house.

Where Megan is fun and bubbly, I’m more closed off and cold. I used to be like her. We were even in cheerleading together. But things changed. Janet's death really broke me. She was my only family and it was hard to lose her, especially that way.

I heard the music before I turned down her street. Her house is beautiful. Big, lots of flowers everywhere, the greenest grass, definitely could tell her family had money. And trust me, they do. Cars were parked everywhere and I already wanted to go home. I found a close space to park and unwillingly got out of my car.

The first thing I noticed when I walked into the backyard, was the people. At least 50 people so far and I knew that more were bound to show up.

Sigh. Lets get this over with.

I spotted Megan talking to a small group of older people. I figured it was her aunts and uncles. She looked over to me and dismissed herself from them and came by my side.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you made it! I thought you would flake.”

“Well I’m here.” I said with annoyance in my tone. “Oh I got you a card.”

“Thanks! Come on, I want you to meet some of my family.” and with that, she lead me to another group of people. This group looked like they were all our age, maybe a little older. “Hey everyone! This is my best friend, Amy. Amy, these are my cousins.”

The group of three other people consisted of a girl who was about as tall as Megan, with light brown hair and brown eyes, her name was Laren. A very tall guy with blue eyes and dirty blonde hair, his name was Greg. Lastly a guy named Paul with black hair and green eyes, cute but definitely not my type.

The five of us talked for a little bit, mostly it was them talking and me just smiling and nodding. The conversation ranged from what everyone was doing during summer, if Megan should dye her hair from blonde to black because she didn't want people to think she was stupid, and also a debate on if their aunt should be checked into the looney bin. Eventually I just got sick of everything and made an excuse to remove myself from the conversation.

I made my way over to the coolers so I could grab something to drink. There was a lot of different types of alcoholic beverages, it made me sick. After Janet I chose to never drink again. Instead I just grabbed a coke and stayed standing there.

“Hey.” I heard someone say to me. I turned and saw a girl about my age standing next to me. She was slightly taller than me, wearing black jeans and a band tee, had straight dark red hair, warm brown eyes, and a smile that was contagious.

“Hi.” I replied, smiling in return.

“I don't remember seeing you at family parties. Are you someone's friend?” She asked me.


“Oh, did you graduate today too than?”

“Valedictorian.” I said with a proud smirk.

“Impressive. So do you have a name or should I just call you Megan’s friend?”

“Amelia.” I said smiling, liking my one word answers.

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