When I was done I quickly made my way to my next class that was Foreign Language, in this case is French. The teacher hasn't arrived so I rushed in and walked towards the back of the classroom to my assigned seat that is in the very back, getting out all the stuff I need.

Moments after the teacher enter and everyone shut up and sat on their assigned seats. For my bad luck, I don't have classes with any of my friends. You see in this school the classmates from homeroom are the ones that go with you on all classes throughout the year. There's no change unless it's required by your parents. It's the same with the seats because all the teachers say it has to be by roll number and if you're not in you assigned seat they give you detention and no one wants detention obviously.

She started to give the class and all that stuff. To be honest i never really put attention, instead just write song lyrics at the back of my notebooks. Every single notebook I own has to have at least one song lyric complete.

"Now please take notes of what I wrote in the board" she strictly said in a fake french English accent before taking a seat behind her desk. Come one we all know you're from Sydney stop lying!

I grabbed a pen and started writing down the things she wrote at the front. I honestly didn't understood half of the things that were written. Partly because I didn't put attention and I'm still not.

After a lot of writing i decided to drink some water, so I got out of my bag the water bottle I bought and opened it. Or well, tried to. It was so hard to open the bottle, the struggle was real. A few people stared from next to me at my left side, I'm probably making a stupid of myself. The freaking lid was legit glued to the bottle. It's impossible to open.

"Need some help?" A voice spoke from next to me along with a light laugh. It was the stare I felt. Obviously I knew who it was but I couldn't believe he was talking to me.

It was the one and only, Chris Lanzon. He's one of the most popular guys in this place along with his mates Ethan Karpathy and Jakob Delgado. Those three are the head of the school. They make the girls drool for them and the guys be jealous of them. Him and his two other mates are popular because they sing, they even were at the X Factor. I have to say they're amazing at it! He's also pretty handsome, very charismatic and takes amazing pictures. The fact of such talented guy talking to me blows me up. I mean sure he sits next to me but he doesn't even talks to me!

"Yes" I laughed giving him the water bottle. He grabbed it and opened it so easily and quick it made me feel more stupid and useless than before. He gave it back to me.

"Thank you" I said and he nodded turning his attention back to his notes. After drinking some water and putting it back in my bag I continued to take the final notes.

I was done with it and didn't know what else to do, so what better than writing another song at the back of my notebook? My brain was thinking of what song I could write that I haven't, but suddenly a ball of paper landed in my desk making me go out of my musical thoughts.

'Hey! Can I have your number? -Chris'

What the... I stared at the note in disbelief feeling the stare of him at my side. This is so unusual am I dreaming?


I gave the ball back to him.

'In case I don't come to school because I'm busy or anything like that I have someone who tells me the homework'

I gave him my number and he whispered a thanks. Most people that have my number just to ask for the homework so it makes total sense he does to. It's not that I'm a nerd. I have actually pretty bad grades, don't know how I haven't failed a year to be honest.

The bell rang signaling the class ended I quickly grabbed my things making my way to my locker, i walked by the hallways until I got there and opened it letting the books from the last class and grabbing the books for the next one which is Arts. I closed the door of the locker and started walking towards the Art room.

Once again I sat in my assigned seat at the back of the room and pulled out all the pencils I need to draw whatever the teacher tells us to. More people started walking and taking their seats as the time went by which made me guess I was to early.

The bell rang, again, signaling the class is going to start. The last few persons that were missing rushed into the room not wanting to be late. A few minutes went by and the teacher didn't arrived. The people was starting to get out of their seats and talk with their friends because The teacher didn't came, which means it's a free hour. The guys started playing throwing a pencil case as if it was a football ball in the air. Whilst I just sat in silence drawing at the back of my notebook whatever my hand felt like.

I looked to the front of the room and saw a pencil case coming my way to hit me straight in the face. As it was about to hit me I covered my face with my arms so it wouldn't hurt that much, but I never felt it hit me. I looked up to see a hand in front of me that had the pencil case.

"Thank you" I said still not looking to the person letting out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. The other guys that were playing had their hands covering their mouths ready to see the pencil case slam in my face with all the force that was sent.

"No worries" and without looking I knew who's voice it was. Chris.

"I'm sorry Grace" yelled a voice from the front of the class. It was Jakob Delgado. I guess he was the one who threw the pencil case that was about to hit me. I laughed and nodded.

"I got your back Grace" Chris laughed which made me laugh.

"Sure you do"

Authors Note:

Hello my loyal readers...

You probably come from TPATG (my Ethan Karpathy fanfic) and if you don't, you should go and read it(:

Well this is my new story, I hope you like it! If you did please vote and comment to let me know(:

Remember you're beautiful and that I love you<3


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