The Car-Crash Problem

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     After Leah's realization, that she did want to love Sheldon, she started having an internal battle. She wanted to, but almost everyone she had ever loved (That wasn't a lot considering she had been bullied most of her life) had...died. She didn't want to experience that with Sheldon.

     Of course, Leonard had a talk with Sheldon the night that he had found out about his room mate's feelings, forcing the lanky scientist to come to terms with his feelings. Now he realized it and he didn't want to un-realize it. Of course, now he really wanted Leah to love him back. Sadly though, Leah had seemed distant lately.

    Leah's distance wasn't because she wanted to be away from Sheldon, it was because she kept getting sucked back into her thoughts. Luckily she was able to refrain from crying. Sheldon seemed to detect that whatever was making his female companion keep her distance was upsetting her.

     "Ah, Dr. Gaublehauser," He started when Leah walked in the door that day, her white skirt swaying as she walked, her TARDIS tee-shirt coming un-tucked. "I've been looking for you. Were you able to get a ride home?" Sheldon had remembered that she was working later than both Leonard and him, so he wanted to make sure the woman he, apparently, loved had gotten home safe. (Leonard had pointed out that this was a typical concern of people who are in love.)

     "Yes, I did, Wolowitz offered to be my form of transportation." Leah responded, flashing a smile, happy to see Sheldon. "May I ask why you were looking for me?"

     "I'd like to question you about your mood lately." Leah's smile disappeared, she hoped nobody would notice. "It seems to have differed. You're not as focused and vigilant as you normally are, it has me concerned."

     "I'd rather not discuss this Dr. Cooper." She said., her voice dropping to a quieter level.

     "Are you sure? I've read that talking about things that upset you helps to boost your mood exponentially." Sheldon informed.

     "I've just... I've been thinking about my parents frequently." She stated.

     "Why would that have this effect on your emotions?" Sheldon asked, confused. Normally when he thought of his mother, he cheers up.

     "My parents are dead." She whispered.


     There was a silence until Leah's heart wrenching cry could be heard.

     "Would you like a hot beverage?" Sheldon offered, not wanting his loved one to be upset.

     "No, I'm-I'm...I apologize. It was long ago, it shouldn't...I shouldn't be this upset." She choked back her tears, willing them to disappear.

      "How long ago?"
     "I was seventeen when...they actually-actually died." Leah answered.

     "Do you still wish to evade the topic?" Sheldon asked.

     "No, you were right, we should discuss it." Leah nodded.

     "Would you mind me asking how they died?"

     "A car crash, my dad was on his way home from picking mom up from the hospital. The car spun out of control and they crashed. My mother's death was immediate, but my father died while in comatose the next day."

     "Why was your mother in the hospital?" Sheldon pondered.

     "Both my mother and father had cancer, around the same time."

     "When were they diagnosed?" Sheldon asked.

     "They both had- they both had um...lung cancer. My mother was diagnosed on my fourteenth birthday, she was the only one who had it at that time. She had healed by Christmas when I was fifteen. They both had cancer when I was fifteen though. My father had liver cancer and my mother had leukemia. That lasted until I was seventeen, my father got better first, so he was able to pick up my mother when she was able to get home." Leah answered.

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