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The dalek simply stared at him. "Such hatred... You would make a good dalek," then the video cut off.


Augusta's POV

STOP! I screamed as we murdered another person. Tears streaked down my cheeks as the mentalist simply played with the blood that leaked from their dying bodies. Stop, please!

'Would you like me to murder another?' His voice sadistic voice asked cheerily.

No, no stop! I don't want you to kill anymore! Just-just go away! Le-leave me a-- AAAAH! I screamed as it used my hands to snap someone's neck. 

I was practically in hysterics now. No more, I didn't want to kill anymore. My hands were literally soaked in blood. 

'Are you not liking that, little elementist?' The mentalist teased, 'How many more people would you like me to kill before you shut up?'

NO MORE! I screamed, making both of us wince slightly, I don't want you to kill anymore!

He laughed and killed a few more people, and I screamed for each one. Finally, we were at a Floor 56, where there was a woman inside, I could hear her. One of the Daleks turned to me, "YOU WILL GO TO FLOOR 500 TO EX-TER-MIN-ATE THE DOC-TOR," The leader-one ordered

No! We're not going to kill him, I shouted in protest, only to have invisible chains bind me down harder, making me close my mouth tightly. "Affirmative," we nodded and headed towards the elevator shaft. 

Please don't do this, I begged as we used the metal sides to fly up the shaft. Pain rippled through my chest from using so much energy making me cough heavily. 

Blood spilt from our lips, but he didn't seem to mind and kept going farther. 'Why are you so against on killing one man?' He inquired, not angrily, but curiously, 'You don't even know him.'

I... I hesitated, I don't know. I-I know him, I just... I need to protect him...

'No you don't,' he laughed harshly as we passed the last few levels. 'You don't know him, you never knew him. You thought you knew him, but you don't. He's just a figment of your imagination. If he knew you, he would've rescued you a year and a half ago. Stop lying to yourself.'

His voice was mesmerizing, hypnotizing even. I-I don't... I don't... I hesitated, shaking my head slightly. No. No, I know him! Don't lie to me, I've seen him before! I glared at the other entity in my being.

He chuckled, finally entering the last floor, 'For a person who hasn't been properly trained to see through telepathic ability, you seem to be able to resist my mind control easily.'


"Augusta!" A new voice shouted, I whipped my head around to see the brown haired man, staring at me, pointing a gun in my direction. I blinked, who was that? "Augusta, stop, this isn't you."

"I am not Augusta I--"

"Don't give me that bull crap," he hissed, glaring at me. "You've killed innocent people! What would the Doctor think of you right now?"

I froze, the Doctor...? He-he was... He was angry with me... I... I don't... I didn't think that... 

"Shut up!" Subject 12-June.34 growled, "The Doctor left you! He'll never come back for you, so stop acting like a lovesick puppy!"

I stared at the boy in shock, but that quickly turned into a glare, "How would you know?! You don't know him! You'll never know him! I sick of you being here! I want you out!"

Monsters [Doctor Who] Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon