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As Asher had suspected, Samuel Benedict was in no mood to paint the town that night, not after having been stabbed just the night before. Whether or not he had visited by the cops, and Asher strongly suspected he hadn't, he undoubtedly though by now that he was safe. Little did he know.

So there he was, opening his own door, looking sour and saying before Asher could speak, "I don't want any."

"You're going to get it anyway," Asher replied, his smile glacial. With a shove, one that required very little effort for him, he pushed the door hard enough to make it slam all the way open. At once Sam started back backing up. Fear entered his gaze. "I'll call the cops, man. You better get out."

Asher's smile widened. "No, you won't call anyone." The Voice.

It froze Sam in his tracks as Asher entered the apartment and closed the door. "We need to talk."

"About what?" Sam's defiance was rising again, and he started edging toward a phone on the coffee table.


Sam froze again. Asher closed the distance between them, caught Sam under his chin with one hand and lifted him off the floor. Sam stared wildly at him, but didn't try to fight.

"Look into my eyes," Asher ordered.

Sam obeyed, not really having any choice at the moment. Asher shoved him up against a wall so he wouldn't strangle the guy. Although he was tempted. So very tempted.

"Listen to me."

Sam stared in hypnotic horror.

"You will not ever go anywhere near Julie Matheson again. Do I make myself clear?"

A small nod.

"You will not ever attempt to rape another woman."

"No." A squeak.

"Because if you ever again attempt to use Rohypnol on anyone, if you ever again attempt to take a woman without her express and freely given permission, I will hunt you to the ends of the earth and rip out your throat. Are we clear?"


"In fact, let me take this one step further. If you ever, ever even so much as think of using Rohypnol or force again, you are going to walk yourself to the nearest police station and turn yourself in. Got it?"


"Failing that, you're going to jump off the highest building you can find. Because if I have to come after you, you will wish you had never been born. Understood?"

A croaky yes answered him.

Asher held the man's gaze, making sure the suggestion had taken solid root. Then for good measure he added, "You will forget Julie Matheson. You never met her. You never talked to her. You never knew her and you will head the other way if you ever see her."

"I...don't...know her."

Asher let go and watch the man collapse to the floor. Then he squatted and lifted Sam's chin with one finger until the man had to look at him again.

"I am your worst nightmare," Asher said. "Forgot last night. Remember my directions."


"Remember me."

Sam's eyes closed.

Satisfied, Asher stood and walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Night Unbound [Claiming series, #1]Where stories live. Discover now