Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

       "You know," Melody said as she said down beside me on the couch, handing me a mug of the peppermint hot chocolate she made every Christmas. "This has got to be the best Christmas ever."

       "Even though we got into a fight yesterday?" I asked with a smile. I was happy we put it behind us. I did not want to be arguing on Christmas. I didn't want to argue at all.

       "Yeah," she said, snuggling into me. "Massey and Jeremy are having a good time." She looked at the twins, who were seated nearby on the floor. Jeremy was coloring with a new set of crayons he got and Massey was playing with the doll she had been wanting for a long time.

       "They are," I agreed, wrapping my arm that wasn't holding the hot chocolate around her shoulder. "It really is the best Christmas because I am still with you." I kissed her forehead which made her snuggle even closer to me.

       "I'm still really sorry about what I said," Melody said. "I was just really tired and...."

       "Mel," I interrupted. "It's fine. I know why you got mad. People fight, it's natural. We're over it, we're no longer mad at each other. It's fine."

       "Are you sure?" Melody asked.

       I nodded, giving her a smile. "Yeah. And I'll prove it." I leaned forward before pressing my lips on hers. "There. Proof enough?"

       Melody gave me a small smile. "Yeah, definitely."

       "Daddy?! Mommy?" Massey suddenly called, jumping up from her spot on the ground and hurrying over to us. "Can we go in the snow? Please?"

       "Yeah, sure," Melody said, setting her mug of hot chocolate down. "I'll take you."

       "No," I quickly said. "I'll take her.

       "Luke, you don't have to," Melody said.

       "I want to," I said. "You were right yesterday. You're the one who does all the work with the kids, so I should do my part now. And since one of us has to stay inside just in case Tyler wakes up, I'll go outside."

       Melody's smile grew wider. "Thank you, Luke. No matter what I said yesterday, you are an amazing husband."

       "I'm pretty awesome, aren't I?" I teased before looking at my daughter. "Alright, let's get your snow clothes on. Does Jeremy want to come outside as well?"

       Massey shrugged and looked at her twin brother. "Jeremy! Wanna play in the snow?!"

       Jeremy looked up from the piece of paper he was coloring on with a smile. He nodded and stood up, putting his crayons back in the box. The twins followed me the the backdoor where all of the snow clothing was. I helped both of them put on their jacket, hat, gloves, and boots before putting on my own. 

       I opened the door and Massey immediately ran outside. "Yay! Snow!" she said happily. I loved living somewhere where it snowed a lot in the winter. Massey did as well. She loved the snow and always wanted to play outside.

       Massey immediately started making snow angels while Jeremy rolled a ball of snow. I crouched down beside him. "Are you making a snowman?" I asked. He nodded as he finished rolling the first ball of snow. He made a second one and looked at me for some help. I picked it up and placed it on the first one. He made one last one and I also put it on top. Jeremy stood in front of the snowman as if he was judging it. It was about the same height as him, being a bit shorter.

       "Can I have a carrot?" he asked in a quiet voice. 

       "Of course," I said. "I'll go get one. Why don't you look for some sticks for his arm." He nodded as I stood up and walked back inside, wiping the snow off my shoes.

       Melody looked up from the book she was reading. "What brings you inside so soon?" she asked. "Bored already?"

       I rolled my eyes. "No. Jeremy wants a carrot for his snowman."

       "I wish I could go outside and see," Melody said with a frown. "Are you sure you don't want to stay in?"

       "Yes, I'm sure," I said. "Besides, knowing Massey and Jeremy, they'll want to come back inside in about ten minutes. Now if you'll excuse me, I should get the carrot for our son before Massey decides to ruin his snowman like she usually does."

       I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a long carrot out of the fridge. I was so thankful that Massey was still making snow angels and not trying to destroy her brother's snowman. That happened almost every time Melody took them outside and every time it happened, Jeremy cried. He hated people touching his creations. Even though he was two, almost three, he was quite the artistic kid.

       I gave Jeremy the carrot and he stuck it in the middle of the snowman's head. He ended up finding sticks and already used them as the arms.

        It wasn't long before Massey decided to be the annoying twin and through snow at Jeremy. Jeremy looked at the snow on his jacket, his bottom lip trembling. I sighed. "Massey, please don't throw snow at your brother," I said. "He doesn't like it."

       Massey pouted. "But I'm bored. Can I go inside now?"

       "Sure," I said. "Jeremy, do you want to go inside to?" He nodded. Even though they loved the snow, they always got bored so easily and never stayed outside in it for too long.

       The three of us went back inside, causing Melody to chuckle. "I guess they got bored too easily," she said.

       "I guess so," I said as I helped Jeremy take off his snow clothes. Melody got up off the couch and helped Massey with hers. When they were off, Jeremy went back to his drawing and Massey went back to her doll.

       Melody and I sat down on the couch. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" I asked her.

       Melody smiled at me. "Yes, I think you've mentioned it. You know, when I told you I might be pregnant for the first time, after the twins were born, at graduation, when you proposed to me, not to mention our wedding."

       "And don't forgot those random, non-important days," I said. "By the way, I love you."

       "Today is important," she pointed out.

       "Yeah, but I still love you," I said.

       "I love you, too," Melody said before she pressed her lips onto mine. She was the girl I had and the only one I ever wanted. There may be times where we had some disagreements, but I still loved her. I could never stop loving her. 

       And that was why I was happy I missed that final shot in the game against Robinson. If I didn't, we wouldn't have became friends. We wouldn't have started dating. We wouldn't have gotten married. We wouldn't have been where we were right now.

       I was so glad that I met her.


And the short story is complete. I have to say, I really missed Luke and Melody. They were my favorite couple out of all the books I've written on Wattpad but now, I think they were replaced by Grayson and Poppy.

I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! And to those who don't celebrate it, I hope you have a wonderful day anyway. Thank you for reading this short story. (:

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