Chapter 1

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The picture above is of Luke.

Chapter 1

       The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes was where the heck was I? This wasn't my house.

       I sat up, realizing I was still on a couch where I fell asleep, but it wasn't the couch I fell asleep on. This one was black leather and a bit rundown. It was identical to the one my family had when I was a teenager.

       I then looked around, noticing I was actually in my old house, the one the rest of my family still lived in. What was I doing here?

       Mom walked in and shook her head when she saw me. "Luke, what are you still doing on the couch?" she asked. "School starts in half an hour."

       I furrowed my eyebrows. "School? As in....high school?"

       "What other school would I be talking about?" she asked. "Now get up and get ready."

       "Mom, I graduated high school already, remember?"

       Mom chuckled. "Luke, seriously. You may have high grades, but it's not enough to graduate. You're only seventeen."

       "Seventeen?" I repeated. "But....I'm....How did I get here?" I was awfully confused. I was not seventeen, I was twenty-one.

       "You crashed on the couch early," Mom said. "You were doing homework. Get up, Luke. You have to go to school today. I don't care if you're tired from the basketball tournament and doing your homework. School first."

       Basketball tournament. Oh, no. This must be a nightmare. I was having a nightmare about the worst experience I ever had to go through; having the entire school ignore me because I missed the final shot in the basketball tournament that could have sent my team to Miami. I was hated by everyone. Well, except one person.

       My brother, Evan, came down the stairs. "Come on, Luke! I want to get to school before all the good muffins in the cafeteria run out!"

       I rubbed my eyes before standing up. I was still in my clothes from yesterday, but honestly, I didn't feel like changing. This was all a dream anyway.

       And I might as well wake myself up. I pinched my arm, trying to wake up, but it didn't work, so I slapped myself.

       "Um, Luke?" Evan asked. "Are you okay?"

       "Absolutely fine," I said. "I'm just trying to wake myself up so I don't have to relive this day."

        "What are you talking about?" Evan asked. I ignored him as I tried other ways to wake myself up, but none of them was working.

       Evan walked into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water before splashing it in my face. "There. Did that help?"

       I wiped the water from my face. "No. Why aren't I waking up?"

       "Because this is not a dream," Evan said in an obvious tone. "Luke, I don't know what game you're playing, but I really want to go to school to get a muffin. Can we please go?"

       I didn't know why, but I had a bad feeling about this. I didn't think it was a dream.

       This was real. This was very real. I'm a teenage again. I had to relive the worst moment of my life. Why the hell was this going on?

       That was when I got a good look at Evan. He was fifteen right now, I could tell by his features. He wasn't supposed to be fifteen, he was supposed to be nineteen.

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