Chapter 5

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Burning rays of sunlight burst through my eye's making me squint in an attempt to adjust. Scanning my surroundings I notice I am in one of the rooms above the bar.

Attempting to sit up pain explodes in my body just as the door opens revealing my savior from more than one occasion. I find it funny that even after being saved twice I don't know the name of the honey eyed man, just as I was about to ask and break the silence he beat me to it mumbling at first then speaking clearly "your have only been out for a day so don't try to get up your wounds will reopen if you do" his voice pretty much monotone through his light order and I listen knowing it won't benefit anyone if I attempt getting up. 

Silence once again over takes the room so deciding to kill two birds with one stone I ask my unspoken question from earlier "what's your name?" surprise is probably the most prominent emotion on his face as if he expected me to know his name is he famous or something? Getting over it pretty quick he answers calmly "Dracule Mihawk known better as Hawkeyes the worlds strongest swordsman" So......honey eyes man is famous.

Glancing at the time I notice that I have about two hours till I start work meaning I need to get up go home and get ready, even if he has told me not to and I know that I shouldn't people need money to survive nothing you need is free. "Thank you mister Mihawk but I need to get going" even with his protests about getting up so soon I eventually make it to my feet, when I feel stable enough I exit the bar making it past Cory unseen.

Only when I'm out of the bar do I realize that Mister honey eyes is following me, taking a glance at the man "Why are you following me?" all I receive in return is a "hn" not even a glance. Giving up, I continue my walk home with my stony companion.

Time skip cause I can~

When I reach my house I ignore the mess from last night and head straight upstairs leaving Mihawk alone down stairs to get ready.

After showering I got dressed into 

After brushing my teeth I went back down stairs into the kitchen to grab a red apple before going to the living room where I left Mihawk to let him know I was done before we left to go back to the bar.

Unknown to me a certain swordsman had a light shade of pink on his face and was taking frequent glances at me.

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