Chapter 2

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Shit. I honestly don't need this, why couldn't I run faster than this?To anyone, a minute wouldn't be so bad but even seconds result in punishment. Once I open the door I am immediately greeted by him, " Where the fuck were you? Stupid bitch what do I need to do to get it through your disgusting head? You are not to be late" he screams at me. Before I have time to react he is directly in front of me gripping my throat with a strength that will be sure to leave another of his deeply colored marks into my skin. " Well, what have you got to say for yourself, huh?" And with the little air I have left I squeak out " Sorry dad, I tried-" the rest of my words being cut off by his grip tightening and growling about how there is no excuse before launching me into a vase, letting blood seep out of a fresh cut at my hair line, the first of many injuries to be exploited to my body tonight.

It is 11:46 by the time he is finished the only thing I take care of is the gash on my head fatigue setting and making my eyes droop from the tiring events of today I barely get changed and make it to my blankets on the floor before darkness consumes my world.

I wake early the next morning with aching bones and ligaments proceeding to do my morning routine getting into skinny jeans, a plain black long sleeved top with a checkered scarf before going downstairs and grabbing a pure green apple and slipping on my black high top converse.

I have finished my green apple that like yesterday tasted minty, however, it took me longer having a sore jaw from last nights excitement. Cory is waiting by the door today fidgeting nervously before looking into my grey with brown and green with bits of gold eyes " Taylor, can you take care of table 29?" To which I agree to see him visibly relax before walking off to work. 

Table 29 has only one person sat there and when I walk in front of the man I am greeted by the same golden eyes that saved me last night. " Hello, what can I get you?" I ask my usual smile for work gracing my lips as he stares blankly back at me his eyes scrutinizing my neck and I almost think he saw the bruises but dismiss it as they are covered by a scarf. Minutes that feel like hours pass by before he speaks up asking for Les rosê wine with a medium rare steak. I walk away questioning pirates humanity for eating an evening meal for breakfast.

As I stand up straight from placing his meal before him, I notice my scarf laying loosely in his hands as said man glares at my neck " What happened to your neck? It was fine yesterday" he says barely above a whisper making me nervous as I try to think of something...anything to get me out of this, I can't say I walked into a pole cause they don't have fingers grrr what do I do? Soon the pressure gets too much that I slip the scarf out of his hands and speed as far from that table as I can but feeling his penetrating gaze on my back giving me goose bumps.

I should have been more careful the only option is to avoid him at all costs, questions cause problems.

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