Chapter 3

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Soon having his unwavering gaze on my back becomes unbearable, to the point that I asked Cory if I was able to work in the kitchen for the rest of the day. Gaining permission I head straight to the kitchen mentally thanking new employees.

11 pm comes around in what feels like no time though I am exhausted. I gather my things and head out into the cold evening air having it bite at my skin as it whip's against me sending my hair into my face until I tie it back. The occasional wisp of hair comes in my face but it's manageable.

Making sure to walk fast and NOT go through alleyways again like last night I begin heading home. Lost in thoughts of leaving the hell hole I call home and how much more money I need to finally be free, I fail to notice the wall in front of me and walk head first into it, the force of impact making me stumble back to regain balance only to meet a chest. I turn to apologize but when I look up I am met with the eyes of............

Sorry for the short chapters :)

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