"Let me guess... Tobias Cheston," I said with a lot of sass in my tone.

"In the flesh," he feigned a bow.

"If I can recall anything about you, it's that you're no gentleman."

"That is correct," he impatiently said with a smirk of intimidation appearing on his face. "Now move away from my locker before I pluck your pretty eyes out of their sockets and attach them to the inside of your brain."

"How charming," I sarcastically snapped back at him. "But if you're actually trying to not get your butt kicked out of this school an extra year, I suggest you look again, because I was assigned this locker."

Turning my back to him, I unlocked the locker I was assigned to and offloaded some books into it, while cranky Mr. Cheston looked down at his locker number again before muttering something under his breath and moving to the locker next to mine.

"You've got to be kidding me..." I muttered under my breath.


It was finally lunch time and my feet were already hurting.

Luckily Ryan was in the same class as me right before lunch so immediately after class, we got into his car along with Imogene and one of Ryan's jock friends, Derrick.

Unluckily for me, I found out Tobias Cheston was in the same class with me and Ryan right before lunch.

He had claimed a seat beside me and he wasn't trying to be friendly. "If you ever speak to me like that again, you'll hate me ten times more." He had promised.

I had to admit.. He frightened me a little. And the coldness in his voice rung in my mind as I mentally repeated what he'd said to me in class.

"Babe," Ryan placed his hands on my thigh, breaking me away from my thoughts and causing me to jump a little. "You okay?"

I looked at his soft blonde hair.

I cleared my throat and forced my fork into my meatball. "Why shouldn't I be?"

I noticed Imogene from the corner of my eyes. She sighed and rolled her eyes. "If this is about earlier, I'm sorry Emily," she said.

I nodded.

Ryan glanced from me to Imogene but decided not to ask.

"So when the hell are you guys going to do the nasty?" Imogene blurted out, causing me to choke on my meatball and Ryan's eyes to widen.

"Imogene!" I voiced out, once I was done coughing.

Derrick just kept laughing.

"I just don't understand why you make it such a huge deal," she shrugged innocently.

"I don't make it a huge deal. What're you talk--"

"You haven't even had your first kiss, I mean c'mon!" She hit the table, joining Derrick to laugh at me.

"You've never kissed anyone?" Ryan asked, shocked. "Well that explains a lot."

I and Ryan hadn't dated for longer tags four months now. And I didn't get to see him all through summer because I spent most of mine in Iowa with my aunt.

So it was safe to say we didn't know much about each other.

My face reddened and I couldn't even look him in the eye.

"Kiss me, let me put you out of your misery," Derrick offered.

"Derrick, touch her and I will end you," Ryan threatened and Derrick raised his hand in surrender.

"The virgin's all yours!" He said.


"Emily, it's just a damn Party. It's your last year. You've got to learn to live! Have fun! Take risks! Fuck boys!"

"That's not all life's about," I laughed at her and shook my head as she raided my closet for something to wear.

"What else am I missing out?" She asked, and before I could answer, she finished for me. "Oh yea. Get high!"

I bent my head down and massaged my temples. Where did I get this girl from.

"I mean you have all these hot clothes. When the hell are you going to wear them?"


"C'mon Emily. Please please please have fun with me. Just bring the old you back for just this year and when we get into college, you can be all work and no play," she begged.


"I dare you," she smirked.

I looked at her, tempted. She knew I could never back down from a dare.

I hated when people thought I wouldn't be able to handle anything.

But I knew what she was trying to do.

"I'm not doing this with you." I got up from my bed and over to my closet, moving her out of the way and closing it.

"Okay fine I'm not daring you," she pouted. "I'm asking as your best friend since kindergarten. Please switch the fuck up and have fun with me."

She battered her eyelashes at me, not stopping for a single moment.

I feared that she would blind herself.

I giggled at how silly she looked and gave her a little push.

"Fine. Let's go have some fun," I smirked, causing her to squeal loudly.

Something told me I was dearly going to regret my choices... But I didn't listen.

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